Secrétaire - Madeira - Biedermeier Secretária
N.º 92688923
This Biedermeier Secretaire was shipped from Germany to London in the early 90s though I think it is of Austrian Origin. There are no inscriptions that I can find only the numbers scrawled on the side of one of the drawers. It is a well loved item but too big and heavy for my house so I reluctantly want to sell. All drawers working and the front table folds down perfectly. I would say this is in good condition apart from the badly chipped upper drawer. There are a couple of other minor scuffs and blemishes here and there (see photos). It can be locked with original keys.
This Biedermeier Secretaire was shipped from Germany to London in the early 90s though I think it is of Austrian Origin. There are no inscriptions that I can find only the numbers scrawled on the side of one of the drawers. It is a well loved item but too big and heavy for my house so I reluctantly want to sell. All drawers working and the front table folds down perfectly. I would say this is in good condition apart from the badly chipped upper drawer. There are a couple of other minor scuffs and blemishes here and there (see photos). It can be locked with original keys.