N.º 92624865

Cinema Chairs by Sonego - Cadeira - Ferro, Madeira, Veludo - Assentos reclináveis
Licitação final
€ 220
Há 8 semanas

Cinema Chairs by Sonego - Cadeira - Ferro, Madeira, Veludo - Assentos reclináveis

2 cinemachairs with reclining seats. These chairs date back to the 1980s, and are produced by Italian company Sonego. These chairs come from an historic cinema hall in Italy, where they have been used since the mid ‘80s (when they were bought to comply with a fire regulation introduced after a notorious fire accident in a Cinema hall in Turin), and they hosted viewers until the final closing of the hall in the 2000s. We hope they can bring your home the same magic they brought to entire generations of cinephiles over the last 40 years! The armchairs are very durable considering they are around 40 years old. ***At the time of shipment, the armchairs will be shipped completely disassembled to allow the greatest number of people to participate in the auction and to contain shipping costs, especially for Europe. A guide to follow an easy reassembly process will be provided in both Italian and English***

N.º 92624865

Cinema Chairs by Sonego - Cadeira - Ferro, Madeira, Veludo - Assentos reclináveis

Cinema Chairs by Sonego - Cadeira - Ferro, Madeira, Veludo - Assentos reclináveis

2 cinemachairs with reclining seats.
These chairs date back to the 1980s, and are produced by Italian company Sonego.

These chairs come from an historic cinema hall in Italy, where they have been used since the mid ‘80s (when they were bought to comply with a fire regulation introduced after a notorious fire accident in a Cinema hall in Turin), and they hosted viewers until the final closing of the hall in the 2000s.

We hope they can bring your home the same magic they brought to entire generations of cinephiles over the last 40 years!

The armchairs are very durable considering they are around 40 years old.
***At the time of shipment, the armchairs will be shipped completely disassembled to allow the greatest number of people to participate in the auction and to contain shipping costs, especially for Europe. A guide to follow an easy reassembly process will be provided in both Italian and English***

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