N.º 92401877

unknown scribe - 4 papyrus fragments 6-7th century AD - 500
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€ 140
Há 7 semanas

unknown scribe - 4 papyrus fragments 6-7th century AD - 500

4 fragments of greek scipt on papyrus, presumably 6-7th century AD. Script on one side discernable but hardly llegible. Fragments in very delicate condition but firmly and vacuum wrapped in solid plastic. Text identified as Coptic, see picture. The Coptic language, the final stage of the Egyptian language, was utilized for writing on papyrus from the 3rd to the 12th centuries AD, encompassing a rich array of religious, magical, and secular texts that offer profound insights into the cultural and religious milieu of early Christian Egypt. Between the 4th and 12th centuries AD, a substantial corpus of Coptic magical papyri emerged. These texts, numbering approximately 600, contained spells, incantations, and magical formulas. They offer valuable insights into the syncretic religious practices of the time, blending Christian and traditional Egyptian beliefs. (Source: Wikipedia)

N.º 92401877

unknown scribe - 4 papyrus fragments 6-7th century AD - 500

unknown scribe - 4 papyrus fragments 6-7th century AD - 500

4 fragments of greek scipt on papyrus, presumably 6-7th century AD.
Script on one side discernable but hardly llegible.

Fragments in very delicate condition but firmly and vacuum wrapped in solid plastic.

Text identified as Coptic, see picture.
The Coptic language, the final stage of the Egyptian language, was utilized for writing on papyrus from the 3rd to the 12th centuries AD, encompassing a rich array of religious, magical, and secular texts that offer profound insights into the cultural and religious milieu of early Christian Egypt.
Between the 4th and 12th centuries AD, a substantial corpus of Coptic magical papyri emerged. These texts, numbering approximately 600, contained spells, incantations, and magical formulas. They offer valuable insights into the syncretic religious practices of the time, blending Christian and traditional Egyptian beliefs. (Source: Wikipedia)

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