N.º 90273857

Werner Mantz - Werner Mantz. Architekturphotographie in Köln 1926-1932 - 1982
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€ 58
Há 11 semanas

Werner Mantz - Werner Mantz. Architekturphotographie in Köln 1926-1932 - 1982

WONDERFUL CATALOGUE BOOK WITH ARCHITECTURE PHOTOGRAPHY by well-known German photographer Werner Mantz (1901–1983), known as one of the most promi­nent pho­to­g­ra­phers of the Neues Bauen move­ment of mod­er­nist ar­chi­tec­ture in Cologne dur­ing the 1920s. Showing Werner Mantz's photos between 1926 and 1932 in Cologne. EXCELLENT, FRESH CONDITION. The photos are coming from the graphic collection of the "Museum Ludwig" in Cologne. The book was published on the occasion of the exhibition at "Museum Ludwig" in Cologne from 21th of april to 13th of june 1982. Wern­er Mantz was born and raised in Cologne, in 1921 he opened a pho­to stu­dio, where he ini­tial­ly took por­traits of fa­mous in­tel­lec­tu­als, artists, and politi­cians. In 1926 he be­gan re­ceiv­ing com­mis­sions as an ar­chi­tec­tu­ral pho­to­g­ra­pher for Wil­helm Riphahn, Peter Franz Nöck­er, Cas­par Maria Grod and other rep­re­sen­ta­tives of avant-garde ar­chi­tec­ture who im­ple­ment­ed Kon­rad Ade­nauer’s hous­ing pol­i­cy for a mod­ern Cologne. Ar­chi­tec­tu­ral mag­azines such as Bauwelt, Die Form and Bauwarte fre­quent­ly pub­lished his works. Their ob­jec­tive, black-and-white aus­ter­i­ty gives the de­sert­ed build­ings and streets in Mantz’s pic­tures the ap­pear­ance of monu­men­tal back­drops of the mod­ern age. It was th­ese pic­tures that made Cologne’s mod­er­nist ar­chi­tec­ture renowned be­yond the boun­daries of the ci­ty. City Cologne, Museum Ludwig, Cologne. 1982. First edition, first printing. Paperback. 210 x 295 mm. 304 pages. Edited by Reinhold Mißelbeck. Foreword: Karl Ruhrberg. Text: Christoph Brockhaus, Werner Mantz, Wolfram Hagspiel, Reinhold Mißelbeck. Text in German. Condition: Book inside excellent, fresh and flawless; clean with no marks and with no foxing. Dustjacket fresh white; light trace of use. Overall very fine condition, in better and fresher than usual condition. Important German architecture photobook - in great condition.

N.º 90273857

Werner Mantz - Werner Mantz. Architekturphotographie in Köln 1926-1932 - 1982

Werner Mantz - Werner Mantz. Architekturphotographie in Köln 1926-1932 - 1982

WONDERFUL CATALOGUE BOOK WITH ARCHITECTURE PHOTOGRAPHY by well-known German photographer Werner Mantz (1901–1983), known as one of the most promi­nent pho­to­g­ra­phers of the Neues Bauen move­ment of mod­er­nist ar­chi­tec­ture in Cologne dur­ing the 1920s.

Showing Werner Mantz's photos between 1926 and 1932 in Cologne.


The photos are coming from the graphic collection of the "Museum Ludwig" in Cologne.
The book was published on the occasion of the exhibition at "Museum Ludwig" in Cologne from 21th of april to 13th of june 1982.

Wern­er Mantz was born and raised in Cologne, in 1921 he opened a pho­to stu­dio, where he ini­tial­ly took por­traits of fa­mous in­tel­lec­tu­als, artists, and politi­cians. In 1926 he be­gan re­ceiv­ing com­mis­sions as an ar­chi­tec­tu­ral pho­to­g­ra­pher for Wil­helm Riphahn, Peter Franz Nöck­er, Cas­par Maria Grod and other rep­re­sen­ta­tives of avant-garde ar­chi­tec­ture who im­ple­ment­ed Kon­rad Ade­nauer’s hous­ing pol­i­cy for a mod­ern Cologne. Ar­chi­tec­tu­ral mag­azines such as Bauwelt, Die Form and Bauwarte fre­quent­ly pub­lished his works. Their ob­jec­tive, black-and-white aus­ter­i­ty gives the de­sert­ed build­ings and streets in Mantz’s pic­tures the ap­pear­ance of monu­men­tal back­drops of the mod­ern age. It was th­ese pic­tures that made Cologne’s mod­er­nist ar­chi­tec­ture renowned be­yond the boun­daries of the ci­ty.

City Cologne, Museum Ludwig, Cologne. 1982. First edition, first printing.

Paperback. 210 x 295 mm. 304 pages. Edited by Reinhold Mißelbeck. Foreword: Karl Ruhrberg. Text: Christoph Brockhaus, Werner Mantz, Wolfram Hagspiel, Reinhold Mißelbeck. Text in German.

Book inside excellent, fresh and flawless; clean with no marks and with no foxing. Dustjacket fresh white; light trace of use. Overall very fine condition, in better and fresher than usual condition.

Important German architecture photobook - in great condition.

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