3 Fabulous tapestries in gobelin fabric without borders depicting the faces of 3 myths of the past in abstract fantasy, the designs are not embroidered or printed, but created by the interweaving of the threads that create the fabric.

The portraits of the faces reproduced on the tapestries that you can see in the first photo are, respectively starting from the left:

- Audrey Hepburn: symbol of elegance, it has left an indelible mark on the history of cinema and has become an unrivalled icon of style and sophistication.

- Frida Kalho: famous Mexican painter, left a tangible mark on history, becoming a symbol of modern feminism.

- Marylin Monroe: actress, model and still one of Hollywood's biggest sex symbols. A worldwide symbol and icon of cinema with a captivating look, champagne-blond hair and a physique that has made millions of people around the world fall in love with her.

TIP FROM THE SELLER: since the edges may fray, it is recommended in order to avoid the fraying typical of these fabrics to use edging tape, with this expedient you will also reinforce the seams.

- MEASURES: 45cm x 45cm in cotton blend.

- USE: home decoration accessories for living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, offices, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc.

- COMPOSITION: 40% cotton 36% plx 24% acrylic

- WASHING: wash at 30°, avoid aggressive detergents.

- PLEASE NOTE: these are professional photos, despite this the colours of the fabric in the photo may vary slightly from the actual colour, depending on the device you are using to view it.

You will receive your won lots all at once for one shipment!
We kindly ask you to contact us before making payments if you have won one or more lots.
Thank you and good luck!

Tracked shipping via express courier.

I nostri tessuti nascono da una ricerca meticolosa, che unisce uno studio approfondito e un’attenta analisi di mercato. Collaboriamo con i migliori esperti d'asta per garantire che i nostri prodotti siano presenti nelle aste più prestigiose di Catawiki.

I nostri articoli sono accuratamente selezionati per aste tematiche che spaziano da: Boho Chic Arredamento d’interni per la casa arredi classici per la casa Art Nouveau Art Déco arte giapponese articoli per la casa articoli per la tavola camera delle meraviglie decorative salvage gallerie contemporanee e del dopoguerra casa mediterranea contry house inglese eleganza francese glamour di hollywood massoneria moderni tessuti per la casa oggetti devozionali prendendo ispirazione dai massimi artisti delle principali correnti artistiche tra cui Klimt Dalì Picasso chagall Monet Paul Klee Van gogh Leonardo da vinci William turner Alphonse Mucha Paul Cézanne Paul Gauguin Raffaello Sanzio Amadeo Modigliani Edvard Munch Botticelli Caravaggio Michelangelo Buonarroti Joan Mirò Manet Renoir Direr Johannes Vermeer Banksy Schifano Donzelli Pollock


#tag: goblin, gobelinos, gobelin, jacquard, tessuto, stoffa, geometrico, alta qualità, stile arredamento unico, fantasia esclusiva, design moderno, lusso, tappezzeria, arredo interni, divano, poltrona, sedia, cuscino, pouf, tenda, tovaglia, runner centrotavola, cotone, poliestere, vintage, antico, boho chic, deco, liberty, idea regalo, raro, esclusivo, design d'interni, fabric, geometric, high quality, unique furnishing style, exclusive fantasy, modern design, luxury, upholstery, interior design, sofa, armchair, chair, cushion, pouf, curtain, tablecloth, centrepiece runner, cotton, polyester, antique, gift idea, rare, exclusive, interior design, stof, geometrisk, høj kvalitet, unik indretningsstil, eksklusiv fantasi, moderne design, luksus, polstring, interiørdesign, sofa, lænestol, stol, pude, puf, gardin, dug, bordløber, bomuld, antik, gaveidé, sjælden, eksklusiv, tissu, géométrique, haute qualité, style d'ameublement unique, fantaisie exclusive, design moderne, luxe, ameublement, décoration intérieure, canapé, fauteuil, chaise, coussin, rideau, nappe, chemin de table, coton, polyester, idée cadeau, rare, exclusif, design d'intérieur, geometrisch, hoge kwaliteit, unieke inrichtingsstijl, exclusieve fantasie, modern design, luxe, bekleding, interieur, bank, fauteuil, stoel, kussen, poef, gordijn, tafelkleed, tafelloper, katoen, antiek, vrijheid, cadeau-idee, zeldzaam, exclusief, interieurontwerp, tkanina, geometryczna, wysokiej jakości, unikalny styl wyposażenia wnętrz, ekskluzywna fantazja, nowoczesny design, luksus, tapicerka, wystrój wnętrz, fotel, krzesło, poduszka, pufa, zasłona, obrus, bieżnik, bawełna, poliester, antyk, pomysł na prezent, rzadkie, ekskluzywne, wystrój wnętrz, tecido, geométrico, alta qualidade, estilo de mobiliário único, fantasia exclusiva, luxo, estofos, design de interiores, cadeira, almofada, pufe, cortina, toalha de mesa, corredor de centro de mesa, algodão, poliéster, antigo, ideia para presente, raro, exclusivo, design de interiores, țesătură, geometrică, de înaltă calitate, stil unic de amenajare, fantezie exclusivistă, design modern, lux, tapițerie, design interior, canapea, fotoliu, scaun, pernă, perdea, față de masă, suport pentru centru de masă, bumbac, antic, idee cadou, rar, exclusivist, design interior, ткань, геометрический, высокое качество, уникальный стиль мебели, эксклюзивная фантазия, современный дизайн, роскошь, обивка, дизайн интерьера, диван, кресло, стул, подушка, пуф, штора, скатерть, центральный бегунок, хлопок, полиэстер, винтаж, антиквариат, бохо шик, деко, либерти, идея подарка, редкость, эксклюзив, дизайн интерьера, tejido, geométrico, alta calidad, estilo de decoración único, fantasía exclusiva, diseño moderno, lujo, tapicería, interiorismo, sillón, silla, cojín, puf, cortina, mantel, camino de mesa, algodón, poliéster, antiguo, interiorismo, tyg, geometrisk, hög kvalitet, unik inredningsstil, exklusiv fantasi, lyx, stoppning, inredning, soffa, fåtölj, stol, kudde, puff, gardin, duk, bordslöpare, bomull, antik, presentidé, sällsynt, exklusiv, interiördesign, Stoff, geometrisch, hohe Qualität, einzigartiger Einrichtungsstil, exklusive Fantasie, modernes Design, Luxus, Polsterung, Inneneinrichtung, Sessel, Stuhl, Kissen, Pouf, Vorhang, Tischdecke, Tafelaufsatz Läufer, Baumwolle, Freiheit, Geschenkidee, selten, exklusiv, Innenarchitektur, kumaş, geometrik, yüksek kalite, benzersiz mobilya stili, özel fantezi, modern tasarım, lüks, döşeme, iç tasarım, kanepe, koltuk, sandalye, minder, puf, perde, masa örtüsü, orta süsü, pamuk, antika, hediye fikri, nadir, özel, iç tasarım, тканина, геометричний, висока якість, унікальний стиль обстановки, ексклюзивна фантазія, сучасний дизайн, розкіш, оббивка, дизайн інтер'єру, диван, крісло, стілець, подушка, пуф, штора, скатертина, центральна доріжка, бавовна, поліестер, вінтаж, антикваріат, бохо-шик, деко, ліберті, ідея для подарунка, рідкісний, ексклюзивний, дизайн приміщень, szövet, geometrikus, kiváló minőségű, egyedi lakberendezési stílus, exkluzív fantázia, kárpit, belsőépítészet, kanapé, fotel, szék, párna, függöny, terítő, asztalterítő, asztali futó, pamut, poliészter, ajándék ötlet, ritka, exkluzív"

Mais sobre o vendedor

Paixão e profissionalismo na procura de tecidos desde 1989. Especialistas na venda de tecidos requintados para estofos e cortinados.
Traduzido pelo Google Tradutor

3 Fabulous tapestries in gobelin fabric without borders depicting the faces of 3 myths of the past in abstract fantasy, the designs are not embroidered or printed, but created by the interweaving of the threads that create the fabric.

The portraits of the faces reproduced on the tapestries that you can see in the first photo are, respectively starting from the left:

- Audrey Hepburn: symbol of elegance, it has left an indelible mark on the history of cinema and has become an unrivalled icon of style and sophistication.

- Frida Kalho: famous Mexican painter, left a tangible mark on history, becoming a symbol of modern feminism.

- Marylin Monroe: actress, model and still one of Hollywood's biggest sex symbols. A worldwide symbol and icon of cinema with a captivating look, champagne-blond hair and a physique that has made millions of people around the world fall in love with her.

TIP FROM THE SELLER: since the edges may fray, it is recommended in order to avoid the fraying typical of these fabrics to use edging tape, with this expedient you will also reinforce the seams.

- MEASURES: 45cm x 45cm in cotton blend.

- USE: home decoration accessories for living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, offices, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc.

- COMPOSITION: 40% cotton 36% plx 24% acrylic

- WASHING: wash at 30°, avoid aggressive detergents.

- PLEASE NOTE: these are professional photos, despite this the colours of the fabric in the photo may vary slightly from the actual colour, depending on the device you are using to view it.

You will receive your won lots all at once for one shipment!
We kindly ask you to contact us before making payments if you have won one or more lots.
Thank you and good luck!

Tracked shipping via express courier.

I nostri tessuti nascono da una ricerca meticolosa, che unisce uno studio approfondito e un’attenta analisi di mercato. Collaboriamo con i migliori esperti d'asta per garantire che i nostri prodotti siano presenti nelle aste più prestigiose di Catawiki.

I nostri articoli sono accuratamente selezionati per aste tematiche che spaziano da: Boho Chic Arredamento d’interni per la casa arredi classici per la casa Art Nouveau Art Déco arte giapponese articoli per la casa articoli per la tavola camera delle meraviglie decorative salvage gallerie contemporanee e del dopoguerra casa mediterranea contry house inglese eleganza francese glamour di hollywood massoneria moderni tessuti per la casa oggetti devozionali prendendo ispirazione dai massimi artisti delle principali correnti artistiche tra cui Klimt Dalì Picasso chagall Monet Paul Klee Van gogh Leonardo da vinci William turner Alphonse Mucha Paul Cézanne Paul Gauguin Raffaello Sanzio Amadeo Modigliani Edvard Munch Botticelli Caravaggio Michelangelo Buonarroti Joan Mirò Manet Renoir Direr Johannes Vermeer Banksy Schifano Donzelli Pollock


#tag: goblin, gobelinos, gobelin, jacquard, tessuto, stoffa, geometrico, alta qualità, stile arredamento unico, fantasia esclusiva, design moderno, lusso, tappezzeria, arredo interni, divano, poltrona, sedia, cuscino, pouf, tenda, tovaglia, runner centrotavola, cotone, poliestere, vintage, antico, boho chic, deco, liberty, idea regalo, raro, esclusivo, design d'interni, fabric, geometric, high quality, unique furnishing style, exclusive fantasy, modern design, luxury, upholstery, interior design, sofa, armchair, chair, cushion, pouf, curtain, tablecloth, centrepiece runner, cotton, polyester, antique, gift idea, rare, exclusive, interior design, stof, geometrisk, høj kvalitet, unik indretningsstil, eksklusiv fantasi, moderne design, luksus, polstring, interiørdesign, sofa, lænestol, stol, pude, puf, gardin, dug, bordløber, bomuld, antik, gaveidé, sjælden, eksklusiv, tissu, géométrique, haute qualité, style d'ameublement unique, fantaisie exclusive, design moderne, luxe, ameublement, décoration intérieure, canapé, fauteuil, chaise, coussin, rideau, nappe, chemin de table, coton, polyester, idée cadeau, rare, exclusif, design d'intérieur, geometrisch, hoge kwaliteit, unieke inrichtingsstijl, exclusieve fantasie, modern design, luxe, bekleding, interieur, bank, fauteuil, stoel, kussen, poef, gordijn, tafelkleed, tafelloper, katoen, antiek, vrijheid, cadeau-idee, zeldzaam, exclusief, interieurontwerp, tkanina, geometryczna, wysokiej jakości, unikalny styl wyposażenia wnętrz, ekskluzywna fantazja, nowoczesny design, luksus, tapicerka, wystrój wnętrz, fotel, krzesło, poduszka, pufa, zasłona, obrus, bieżnik, bawełna, poliester, antyk, pomysł na prezent, rzadkie, ekskluzywne, wystrój wnętrz, tecido, geométrico, alta qualidade, estilo de mobiliário único, fantasia exclusiva, luxo, estofos, design de interiores, cadeira, almofada, pufe, cortina, toalha de mesa, corredor de centro de mesa, algodão, poliéster, antigo, ideia para presente, raro, exclusivo, design de interiores, țesătură, geometrică, de înaltă calitate, stil unic de amenajare, fantezie exclusivistă, design modern, lux, tapițerie, design interior, canapea, fotoliu, scaun, pernă, perdea, față de masă, suport pentru centru de masă, bumbac, antic, idee cadou, rar, exclusivist, design interior, ткань, геометрический, высокое качество, уникальный стиль мебели, эксклюзивная фантазия, современный дизайн, роскошь, обивка, дизайн интерьера, диван, кресло, стул, подушка, пуф, штора, скатерть, центральный бегунок, хлопок, полиэстер, винтаж, антиквариат, бохо шик, деко, либерти, идея подарка, редкость, эксклюзив, дизайн интерьера, tejido, geométrico, alta calidad, estilo de decoración único, fantasía exclusiva, diseño moderno, lujo, tapicería, interiorismo, sillón, silla, cojín, puf, cortina, mantel, camino de mesa, algodón, poliéster, antiguo, interiorismo, tyg, geometrisk, hög kvalitet, unik inredningsstil, exklusiv fantasi, lyx, stoppning, inredning, soffa, fåtölj, stol, kudde, puff, gardin, duk, bordslöpare, bomull, antik, presentidé, sällsynt, exklusiv, interiördesign, Stoff, geometrisch, hohe Qualität, einzigartiger Einrichtungsstil, exklusive Fantasie, modernes Design, Luxus, Polsterung, Inneneinrichtung, Sessel, Stuhl, Kissen, Pouf, Vorhang, Tischdecke, Tafelaufsatz Läufer, Baumwolle, Freiheit, Geschenkidee, selten, exklusiv, Innenarchitektur, kumaş, geometrik, yüksek kalite, benzersiz mobilya stili, özel fantezi, modern tasarım, lüks, döşeme, iç tasarım, kanepe, koltuk, sandalye, minder, puf, perde, masa örtüsü, orta süsü, pamuk, antika, hediye fikri, nadir, özel, iç tasarım, тканина, геометричний, висока якість, унікальний стиль обстановки, ексклюзивна фантазія, сучасний дизайн, розкіш, оббивка, дизайн інтер'єру, диван, крісло, стілець, подушка, пуф, штора, скатертина, центральна доріжка, бавовна, поліестер, вінтаж, антикваріат, бохо-шик, деко, ліберті, ідея для подарунка, рідкісний, ексклюзивний, дизайн приміщень, szövet, geometrikus, kiváló minőségű, egyedi lakberendezési stílus, exkluzív fantázia, kárpit, belsőépítészet, kanapé, fotel, szék, párna, függöny, terítő, asztalterítő, asztali futó, pamut, poliészter, ajándék ötlet, ritka, exkluzív"

Mais sobre o vendedor

Paixão e profissionalismo na procura de tecidos desde 1989. Especialistas na venda de tecidos requintados para estofos e cortinados.
Traduzido pelo Google Tradutor
Depois de 2000
outro, Algodão
45x45cm!!! 3 fabulosas tapeçarias retratando mitos do passado em padrão abstrato em GOBELIN
País de origem
45 cm
45 cm
Como novo - não foi utilizado
Período Estimado
Depois de 2020

2445 avaliações (462 nos últimos 12 meses)
  1. 454
  2. 7
  3. 1

tessuto molto bello ma non ne avevo dubbi un venditore molto professionale.

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Der Stoff ist angekommen und ich bin sehr zufrieden - immer wieder gerne!!! LG Wilhelm

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très joli rideau et de belle qualité, merci

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Tessuto bellissimo come da foto. Spedizione veloce, consiglio questo venditore professionale.

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Vendeur très professionnel. Les transactions se déroulent dans le plus grand respect des règles commerciales. Excellent contact avec ce vendeur très prompt à régler le moindre problème.

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High quality, quick delivery.

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bellissimo tessuto veloce spedizione

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All perfect, as described

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Soddisfatta: tessuto di buona qualità, conforme alla descrizione, spedizione rapida e accurata

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Beautiful Fabric with colorful Elephants. Shipped right away and arrived in perfect condition. We are deciding the best use of this terrific product. Thank You.

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Envoi rapide, très beau produit

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Bonjour Je vous remercie pour la livraison du tissu kandinsky Je vous remercie aussi le cadeau joint au colis un joli carré de tissu destiné à être déposé sur un guéridon ou petite table.

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ottima puntualitá e qualitá imballagio

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ottimo prodotto, consegna rapida e ben gestita.

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Il faudrait que les tapisseries aient une dimension un peu plus grandes car l’encadrement supprime une partie du motif .

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really good quality - thank you

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Muchísimas gracias ,todo perfecto tal y como se ve en las fotografías,excelente tela ,muy bien empaquetada y muy rápido el envío ,vendedor totalmente recomendable ,un placer.

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Ver tudo em avaliações

2445 avaliações (462 nos últimos 12 meses)
  1. 454
  2. 7
  3. 1

tessuto molto bello ma non ne avevo dubbi un venditore molto professionale.

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