N.º 87994633

Bonecas funerárias - Cultura Chancay - Peru  (Sem preço de reserva)
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€ 29
Há 1 semana

Bonecas funerárias - Cultura Chancay - Peru (Sem preço de reserva)

Rare characteristic dolls of the Chancay culture, culture that inhabited the central coast of Peru, located in the valleys of Chancay. Chancay dolls are representations of women, men and children, made of a structure of reeds or vegetable fibers covered with fabrics, with which they made custom dresses. The hair of threads, sometimes completely or partially braided. The head, covered by a kind of knotted handkerchief. Mouth and eyes are made with colored thread. Normally women are depicted with small children in their arms and on their backs. Men usually with a sling in their hand. Another type of dolls such as these group representations with a woman giving birth to her chiild, are rarely offered. Both were used in funerals, typical of this culture, they were tied to the deceased, around the waist. Thanks to the climate, mummies have been found with their corresponding dolls. They were supposed to be magical objects, not toys, representing loved ones of the deceased to accompany him in the afterlife, but it is just a theory, today it is still a mystery to be discovered. Careful registered sending

N.º 87994633

Bonecas funerárias - Cultura Chancay - Peru  (Sem preço de reserva)

Bonecas funerárias - Cultura Chancay - Peru (Sem preço de reserva)

Rare characteristic dolls of the Chancay culture, culture that inhabited the central coast of Peru, located in the valleys of Chancay. Chancay dolls are representations of women, men and children, made of a structure of reeds or vegetable fibers covered with fabrics, with which they made custom dresses. The hair of threads, sometimes completely or partially braided. The head, covered by a kind of knotted handkerchief. Mouth and eyes are made with colored thread. Normally women are depicted with small children in their arms and on their backs. Men usually with a sling in their hand. Another type of dolls such as these group representations with a woman giving birth to her chiild, are rarely offered. Both were used in funerals, typical of this culture, they were tied to the deceased, around the waist. Thanks to the climate, mummies have been found with their corresponding dolls. They were supposed to be magical objects, not toys, representing loved ones of the deceased to accompany him in the afterlife, but it is just a theory, today it is still a mystery to be discovered.
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