N.º 86438875

Johannes Mesue - [Medical Book] Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales - 1508
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Johannes Mesue - [Medical Book] Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales - 1508

MC0692 ( MEDICINE; PHARMACOLOGY; RARIORA) PSEUDO-MESUE (Saladino FERRO) (editor) (c. 1410 - a. 1488) Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales: ac etiam cum expositione Christophori de Honestis in antidotarium eiusdem. Additiones Petri Apponi. Additiones Francisci de Pedemontium. Antidotarium Nicolai: cum expositione Platearij. Tractatus quid pro quo. Tractatus de sinonimis. Libellus Bulcasis sive servitoris. Compendium aromatariorum Saladini. Ioannes de Sancto Amando super antidotarium Nicolai. (Impressis Venetiis Anno ab incarnatione 1508. Die xx. Octobris.). § Folio, 379, [1] leaves; sign.: a-z8, &8, [con]8, [rum]8, A-X8, Y4 (leaf Y4 blank). Slightly later limp vellum. Title page printed in red, gothic fonts of differents sizes, text on two colums. Small restorations, duststains and traces of use on the first two and the last quire, good and genuine copy. Extremely scarce edition of one of the first collections of pharmacy texts ever printed. Originally published between 1489 and 1491 by the apothecary and physician from Ascoli Piceno Saladino Ferro - author of the Compendium aromatariorum, the first pharmaceutical manual of modern period - this anthology collects all the texts that, in the opinion of the curator, were essential for the study of the art of apothecaries. It includes: Canones universales and Antidotarium by Mesue the Younger, or Pseudo-Mesue (d. 1015), a treatise on treatment regimens and a collection of pharmaceutical recipes, with commentaries and notes on the latter one by Pietro d’Abano (c. 1257 - 1316), Francesco da Piedimonte (d. 1320), Mondino de Luzzi (c. 1270 - 1326), Cristoforo degli Onesti (d. 1392); an XI-XII century collection of recipes for the preparation of pharmaceuticals of vegetal and mineral origin called Antidotarium Nicolai, with commentary and explanatory notes by Matteo Plateario (d. 1161) and Jean de Saint-Amand (d. 1312); two different treatises by Niccolò Salernitano (also known as Nicolaus Prepositus, XII century); the Liber servitoris by the Arab physician, surgeon and chemist al-Zahrawi (936 - 1013), being the 28th chapter of his encyclopaedic work on medical practices called The Method of Medicine (Kitab at-Tasrif), devoted to pharmacy and pharmaceutical technics; and finally the seventh edition of Ferro’s Compendium.

N.º 86438875

Johannes Mesue - [Medical Book] Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales - 1508

Johannes Mesue - [Medical Book] Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales - 1508

MC0692 ( MEDICINE; PHARMACOLOGY; RARIORA) PSEUDO-MESUE (Saladino FERRO) (editor) (c. 1410 - a. 1488)
Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales: ac etiam cum expositione Christophori de Honestis in antidotarium eiusdem. Additiones Petri Apponi. Additiones Francisci de Pedemontium. Antidotarium Nicolai: cum expositione Platearij. Tractatus quid pro quo. Tractatus de sinonimis. Libellus Bulcasis sive servitoris. Compendium aromatariorum Saladini. Ioannes de Sancto Amando super antidotarium Nicolai. (Impressis Venetiis Anno ab incarnatione 1508. Die xx. Octobris.).
§ Folio, 379, [1] leaves; sign.: a-z8, &8, [con]8, [rum]8, A-X8, Y4 (leaf Y4 blank). Slightly later limp vellum. Title page printed in red, gothic fonts of differents sizes, text on two colums. Small restorations, duststains and traces of use on the first two and the last quire, good and genuine copy.
Extremely scarce edition of one of the first collections of pharmacy texts ever printed. Originally published between 1489 and 1491 by the apothecary and physician from Ascoli Piceno Saladino Ferro - author of the Compendium aromatariorum, the first pharmaceutical manual of modern period - this anthology collects all the texts that, in the opinion of the curator, were essential for the study of the art of apothecaries. It includes: Canones universales and Antidotarium by Mesue the Younger, or Pseudo-Mesue (d. 1015), a treatise on treatment regimens and a collection of pharmaceutical recipes, with commentaries and notes on the latter one by Pietro d’Abano (c. 1257 - 1316), Francesco da Piedimonte (d. 1320), Mondino de Luzzi (c. 1270 - 1326), Cristoforo degli Onesti (d. 1392); an XI-XII century collection of recipes for the preparation of pharmaceuticals of vegetal and mineral origin called Antidotarium Nicolai, with commentary and explanatory notes by Matteo Plateario (d. 1161) and Jean de Saint-Amand (d. 1312); two different treatises by Niccolò Salernitano (also known as Nicolaus Prepositus, XII century); the Liber servitoris by the Arab physician, surgeon and chemist al-Zahrawi (936 - 1013), being the 28th chapter of his encyclopaedic work on medical practices called The Method of Medicine (Kitab at-Tasrif), devoted to pharmacy and pharmaceutical technics; and finally the seventh edition of Ferro’s Compendium.

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