N.º 86186229

Scuola Italiana (XIX-XX) - View of Venice from Punta della Dogana
Licitação final
€ 104
Há 10 semanas

Scuola Italiana (XIX-XX) - View of Venice from Punta della Dogana

The painting was purchased at an auction in London, It depicts a view of Venice from Punta della Dogana. In the foreground, in the shadow of a portico, people sitting on the ground seem to be working with fishing nets. In the middle ground, the scene is enlivened by other figures. In the background, the campanile of Piazza San Marco can be seen. The painting, recently restored, has a thin layer of paint applied over a light preparation, possibly gesso and glue or white lead and oil. It has been relined in a previous restoration (on the back of the canvas, a pencil note reads 'relined by ... 1899'

N.º 86186229

Scuola Italiana (XIX-XX) - View of Venice from Punta della Dogana

Scuola Italiana (XIX-XX) - View of Venice from Punta della Dogana

The painting was purchased at an auction in London, It depicts a view of Venice from Punta della Dogana. In the foreground, in the shadow of a portico, people sitting on the ground seem to be working with fishing nets. In the middle ground, the scene is enlivened by other figures. In the background, the campanile of Piazza San Marco can be seen.

The painting, recently restored, has a thin layer of paint applied over a light preparation, possibly gesso and glue or white lead and oil. It has been relined in a previous restoration (on the back of the canvas, a pencil note reads 'relined by ... 1899'

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