Original, one-of-a-kind abstract painting by Cristine Balarine
Size: 100x86cm
Medium: Acrylics, pastels, pencil and golden calligraphy ink on raw canvas
Ready to hang: no, image is illustrative. ships rolled and needs to be restretched by your local framer - please allow for a slight reduction in size once stretched *
Signature: verso, also signed Certificate
Year: 2024
Finish: silky varnish with UV protection
Shipping: rolled in tube
Delivery time: min 10 working days (depending on size, customs formalities etc.)
* Shipping large formats rolled is safer and more environmentally friendly than shipping ready-to-hang works. The canvas can be easily re-stretched by a framer at your location, which in most cases is even much cheaper than the increased transport costs for a ready-to-hang painting. If you'd like a comparison quote for shipping ready-to-hang please contact me.

Better Tomorrows’ vibrant hues evoke a profound sense of hope in an abstract piece which at times calls for colourful skies, at times resembles a worn-out diary, conveying the feeling of optimism and possibility.

’Better Tomorrows’ is a piece I dedicate to my state, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, currently in state of calamity. Imagine that the area flooded was equivalent to the size of Italy! Many major cities had muddy water torrents of more than 5m (slide to see). More than 600.000 people have been displaced, and 90% of our industry has been affected. So this piece, Better Tomorrows, is on sale and 100% of the funds after fees and delivery will be donated to the local community

Mais sobre o vendedor

Cristine Balarine é uma artista brasileira emergente radicada nas Ilhas Eólias, na Sicília. Com um mestrado em Arquitetura pela Bartlett, University College London, e uma formação em história da arte renascentista florentina, a prática artística de Cristine procura rebelar-se contra o rigor e a ultra-racionalização da sua formação arquitetónica nas suas composições abstratas em grande escala. As origens de Cristine na arquitetura incluem uma vasta experiência em vários projetos culturais de grande escala, mais recentemente como arquiteta associada no Museu Nacional Zayed dos Emirados Árabes Unidos por Lord Norman Foster. As obras de Cristine foram selecionadas para serem expostas em galerias e eventos internacionais, incluindo uma ação beneficente na Sotheby's em maio de 2024, a Bienal de Londres no Reino Unido, a Bienal de Florença na Itália, a World Art Dubai nos Emirados Árabes Unidos e a Saatchi Art's The Other Feira de Arte em Londres. A sua paixão pela colaboração levou-a a interagir com músicos e DJs, fundindo arte visual e música em performances envolventes. Ela abriu recentemente um estúdio aberto e uma galeria pop-up nas pitorescas Ilhas Eólias, na Sicília, onde expõe trabalhos individuais e coletivos de artistas locais e internacionais.
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Original, one-of-a-kind abstract painting by Cristine Balarine
Size: 100x86cm
Medium: Acrylics, pastels, pencil and golden calligraphy ink on raw canvas
Ready to hang: no, image is illustrative. ships rolled and needs to be restretched by your local framer - please allow for a slight reduction in size once stretched *
Signature: verso, also signed Certificate
Year: 2024
Finish: silky varnish with UV protection
Shipping: rolled in tube
Delivery time: min 10 working days (depending on size, customs formalities etc.)
* Shipping large formats rolled is safer and more environmentally friendly than shipping ready-to-hang works. The canvas can be easily re-stretched by a framer at your location, which in most cases is even much cheaper than the increased transport costs for a ready-to-hang painting. If you'd like a comparison quote for shipping ready-to-hang please contact me.

Better Tomorrows’ vibrant hues evoke a profound sense of hope in an abstract piece which at times calls for colourful skies, at times resembles a worn-out diary, conveying the feeling of optimism and possibility.

’Better Tomorrows’ is a piece I dedicate to my state, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, currently in state of calamity. Imagine that the area flooded was equivalent to the size of Italy! Many major cities had muddy water torrents of more than 5m (slide to see). More than 600.000 people have been displaced, and 90% of our industry has been affected. So this piece, Better Tomorrows, is on sale and 100% of the funds after fees and delivery will be donated to the local community

Mais sobre o vendedor

Cristine Balarine é uma artista brasileira emergente radicada nas Ilhas Eólias, na Sicília. Com um mestrado em Arquitetura pela Bartlett, University College London, e uma formação em história da arte renascentista florentina, a prática artística de Cristine procura rebelar-se contra o rigor e a ultra-racionalização da sua formação arquitetónica nas suas composições abstratas em grande escala. As origens de Cristine na arquitetura incluem uma vasta experiência em vários projetos culturais de grande escala, mais recentemente como arquiteta associada no Museu Nacional Zayed dos Emirados Árabes Unidos por Lord Norman Foster. As obras de Cristine foram selecionadas para serem expostas em galerias e eventos internacionais, incluindo uma ação beneficente na Sotheby's em maio de 2024, a Bienal de Londres no Reino Unido, a Bienal de Florença na Itália, a World Art Dubai nos Emirados Árabes Unidos e a Saatchi Art's The Other Feira de Arte em Londres. A sua paixão pela colaboração levou-a a interagir com músicos e DJs, fundindo arte visual e música em performances envolventes. Ela abriu recentemente um estúdio aberto e uma galeria pop-up nas pitorescas Ilhas Eólias, na Sicília, onde expõe trabalhos individuais e coletivos de artistas locais e internacionais.
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Depois de 2000
N.º de artigos
Cristine Balarine
Título da obra de arte
Better Tomorrows - Large original abstract painting (charity auction)
Acrílico sobre tela
Assinado à mão
Um de cada tipo
Excelente estado
86 cm
100 cm
2 m
0,5 kg
País de origem
Expressionista abstrato
Vendido com moldura
Depois de 2020

3 avaliações (3 nos últimos 12 meses)
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I purchased 2 pieces from Cristine and they were shipped promptly and wrapped safely. I am so thrilled with the pieces and can't wait to get them framed. Will definitely be following her success!

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Resposta do vendedor

Thank you so much for your lovely words. I’m delighted the pieces found a forever home in your collection. Please send pictures :) Best wishes, Cristine

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3 avaliações (3 nos últimos 12 meses)
  1. 3
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  3. 0

I purchased 2 pieces from Cristine and they were shipped promptly and wrapped safely. I am so thrilled with the pieces and can't wait to get them framed. Will definitely be following her success!

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Resposta do vendedor

Thank you so much for your lovely words. I’m delighted the pieces found a forever home in your collection. Please send pictures :) Best wishes, Cristine