Cancelled the buy when I won it. Don't buy from this seller.
Zobacz tłumaczeniecatawiki made an error on the sale which is why the sale could not go through. I invite you to contact them in order to have the justifications.
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Nr 92727767
Zippo 11 - 2012 Edition
Statue of Liberty US Flag Satin Chrome Zippo.
From the Rare NYC Collection
High Quality Official Zippo Windproof Lighter
Made in USA
Lifetime Guarantee
Packaged in an Environmental Friendly Gift Box
Zippo 11 - 2012 Edition
Statue of Liberty US Flag Satin Chrome Zippo.
From the Rare NYC Collection
High Quality Official Zippo Windproof Lighter
Made in USA
Lifetime Guarantee
Packaged in an Environmental Friendly Gift Box
Cancelled the buy when I won it. Don't buy from this seller.
Zobacz tłumaczeniecatawiki made an error on the sale which is why the sale could not go through. I invite you to contact them in order to have the justifications.
Cancelled the buy when I won it. Don't buy from this seller.
Zobacz tłumaczeniecatawiki made an error on the sale which is why the sale could not go through. I invite you to contact them in order to have the justifications.