Nr 92403289

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Lawrence Durrel - Signed, Mountolive, 1st Ed., 3rd Impression, DJ - 1959
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Lawrence Durrel - Signed, Mountolive, 1st Ed., 3rd Impression, DJ - 1959

Lawrence Durrel Mountolive First Edition (3rd printing) Published by Faber and Faber London in 1959 Hand signed by Lawrence Durrel Hard Binding with Original Dust Jacket DJ with signes of age and use inside a clean and lovely copy. Mountolive, published in 1958, is the third volume in The Alexandria Quartet series by British author Lawrence Durrell. Set in Alexandria, Egypt, around World War II, the four novels tell essentially the same story from different points of view and come to a conclusion in Clea. Mountolive is the only third person narrative in the series, and it is also the most overtly political. According to biographer Ian MacNiven, Lawrence Durrell regarded Mountolive as the clou, the nail holding together the entire structure of the Quartet. And Durrell gave to David Mountolive, his English ambassador, details from his own life: "Mountolive had been born in India, had left it at age eleven, had had an affair with a Yugoslav dancer. Mountolive had not seen his father again after leaving India, and this Larry joined to his own myth of abandonment, a myth he came absolutely to believe, that he had not seen his father after coming to England."

Nr 92403289

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Lawrence Durrel - Signed, Mountolive, 1st Ed., 3rd Impression, DJ - 1959

Lawrence Durrel - Signed, Mountolive, 1st Ed., 3rd Impression, DJ - 1959

Lawrence Durrel

First Edition (3rd printing)
Published by Faber and Faber London in 1959

Hand signed by Lawrence Durrel

Hard Binding with Original Dust Jacket
DJ with signes of age and use inside a clean and lovely copy.

Mountolive, published in 1958, is the third volume in The Alexandria Quartet series by British author Lawrence Durrell. Set in Alexandria, Egypt, around World War II, the four novels tell essentially the same story from different points of view and come to a conclusion in Clea. Mountolive is the only third person narrative in the series, and it is also the most overtly political.

According to biographer Ian MacNiven, Lawrence Durrell regarded Mountolive as the clou, the nail holding together the entire structure of the Quartet. And Durrell gave to David Mountolive, his English ambassador, details from his own life: "Mountolive had been born in India, had left it at age eleven, had had an affair with a Yugoslav dancer. Mountolive had not seen his father again after leaving India, and this Larry joined to his own myth of abandonment, a myth he came absolutely to believe, that he had not seen his father after coming to England."

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