Nr 91770495

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Manuel Benchico - Tori No.2
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5 dni temu

Manuel Benchico - Tori No.2

Manuel Benchico is a painter who lives and works in Cologne. He studied art and design at the Rhein-Sieg Art Academy in Hennef/Bonn. His works depict people as distorted and deformed in our fast-moving, technological world. the human as a "glitch" in a new digital world that is changing our society and developing human nature further. Benchico's mask-like portraits, which often appear fragmented, raw and sometimes unfinished, show modern people in our turbulent times. Faces full of fear, worry and confusion, but also full of pride, self-confidence and beauty. As complicated and multi-layered as people and life are. The color palette in his works appears bright, loud and alarming. On the other hand, however, it is also lively and life-affirming. A world rich in contrast that creates a captivating tension and draws the viewer through the multi-faceted paintings.

Nr 91770495

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Manuel Benchico - Tori No.2

Manuel Benchico - Tori No.2

Manuel Benchico is a painter who lives and works in Cologne. He studied art and design at the Rhein-Sieg Art Academy in Hennef/Bonn.

His works depict people as distorted and deformed in our fast-moving, technological world. the human as a "glitch" in a new digital world that is changing our society and developing human nature further.

Benchico's mask-like portraits, which often appear fragmented, raw and sometimes unfinished, show modern people in our turbulent times. Faces full of fear, worry and confusion, but also full of pride, self-confidence and beauty. As complicated and multi-layered as people and life are. The color palette in his works appears bright, loud and alarming. On the other hand, however, it is also lively and life-affirming. A world rich in contrast that creates a captivating tension and draws the viewer through the multi-faceted paintings.

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