I am selling an old tea sword.

A tea sword is a substitute for a wakizashi that is worn in the tea room.
In the days when armored samurai were constantly fighting, it was agreed that "no swords are allowed in the tea room" because they would drink tea with people who might become enemies or allies in a small space.
However, as a samurai, being unarmed in this era was unthinkable.
For that reason, samurai had wooden swords made that look just like wakizashi, in case of emergency. It is said
that when a samurai was invited to the tea room, they informed the tea master that it was a wooden sword, and were allowed to bring in the tea sword. (See web)

The handle is in very good condition with no peeling or cracking of the lacquer.
The handle comes with a menuki with flowers and plants.

In addition, wisteria is wrapped around the edge and carp mouth.

The tsuba part is a thick tsuba with brown lacquer applied, reproduced in wood.

The sheath is also beautifully painted, and although there are some small scratches due to aging, the unique carvings make it a gorgeous sheath that catches the eye.

The chestnut shape is also sound with no rattling or damage. A brown strap is included. At first glance, it is a well-made tea sword that looks like a wakizashi with a real sword inside. The entire sword is finely carved down to the smallest detail, making it a high-quality sword.

I am selling an old tea sword.

A tea sword is a substitute for a wakizashi that is worn in the tea room.
In the days when armored samurai were constantly fighting, it was agreed that "no swords are allowed in the tea room" because they would drink tea with people who might become enemies or allies in a small space.
However, as a samurai, being unarmed in this era was unthinkable.
For that reason, samurai had wooden swords made that look just like wakizashi, in case of emergency. It is said
that when a samurai was invited to the tea room, they informed the tea master that it was a wooden sword, and were allowed to bring in the tea sword. (See web)

The handle is in very good condition with no peeling or cracking of the lacquer.
The handle comes with a menuki with flowers and plants.

In addition, wisteria is wrapped around the edge and carp mouth.

The tsuba part is a thick tsuba with brown lacquer applied, reproduced in wood.

The sheath is also beautifully painted, and although there are some small scratches due to aging, the unique carvings make it a gorgeous sheath that catches the eye.

The chestnut shape is also sound with no rattling or damage. A brown strap is included. At first glance, it is a well-made tea sword that looks like a wakizashi with a real sword inside. The entire sword is finely carved down to the smallest detail, making it a high-quality sword.

Styl/okres dynastii
Edo Period (1600-1868)
Liczba przedmiotów
Kraj pochodzenia
Drewno, wiśnia, Lakier
44,2 cm
Tytuł dzieła sztuki
Bokuto, japoński miecz herbaciany
W Dobrym Stanie
Prywatna kolekcja

Liczba komentarzy: 7 (1 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
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Prachtige Netsuke in zeer goede staat. Met persoonlijk e-mail contact met de verkoper Bart Janszen

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Liczba komentarzy: 7 (1 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
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Prachtige Netsuke in zeer goede staat. Met persoonlijk e-mail contact met de verkoper Bart Janszen

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Zastrzeżenie: tylko do użytku dekoracyjnego i w sztukach walki Przedmiot został wystawiony na aukcji przy założeniu, że jest przeznaczony wyłącznie do celów dekoracyjnych lub trenowania sztuk walki. Biorąc udział w aukcji, wyrażasz zgodę na: Przestrzeganie wszystkich obowiązujących przepisów prawa, regulacji oraz regulaminów. Zagwarantowanie, że będziesz używać przedmiotu zgodnie z podanymi celami. Należy pamiętać, że przedmiot nie został sprawdzony przez Catawiki pod kątem bezpieczeństwa i sprawności. Catawiki nie toleruje działań niezgodnych z prawem i nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek szkody lub obrażenia będące wynikiem użycia przedmiotu lub jego niewłaściwego wykorzystania.