Nr 85744951

Mitch Richmond (1983) - "Touchdown"
Ostateczna oferta
€ 286
15 godz. temu

Mitch Richmond (1983) - "Touchdown"

-Urban Apocalyptica- THE SCULPTURE Urban Apocolyptica - Contemporary Wunderkammer Hand-casted, welded and polished bronze Life Size Helmet Limited Edition in bronze // Edition of 250 Pieces Comes with the highest quality acrylic plate The COA is a stainless steel US military tag, signed on the back IG: MITCHRICHMOND.STUDIO This Product may have Scars and Scratches that are inherent characteristics of this material and the technique. It results in a bold and expressive style, giving uniqueness to each piece. Comes with a signed certificate of authenticity on stainless steel. CONCEPT In a world that demands explanations and definitions, I choose to defy these norms. I refuse to confine my creations within my explanations, instead extending an invitation to you, the viewer: to embark on a journey of your own creativity and self-discovery. I aim to empower you, allowing you to unravel your story while experiencing my works. Everyone possesses a distinct reality, quest, past, and future. It's within this understanding that I strive to impart a message through my work. As you engage with my creations, you become both the narrator and the protagonist of this story.

Nr 85744951

Mitch Richmond (1983) - "Touchdown"

Mitch Richmond (1983) - "Touchdown"

-Urban Apocalyptica-

Urban Apocolyptica - Contemporary Wunderkammer
Hand-casted, welded and polished bronze
Life Size Helmet
Limited Edition in bronze // Edition of 250 Pieces
Comes with the highest quality acrylic plate
The COA is a stainless steel US military tag, signed on the back

This Product may have Scars and Scratches that are inherent characteristics of this material and the technique. It results in a bold and expressive style, giving uniqueness to each piece.
Comes with a signed certificate of authenticity on stainless steel.

In a world that demands explanations and definitions, I choose to defy these norms. I refuse to confine my creations within my explanations, instead extending an invitation to you, the viewer: to embark on a journey of your own creativity and self-discovery. I aim to empower you, allowing you to unravel your story while experiencing my works.
Everyone possesses a distinct reality, quest, past, and future. It's within this understanding that I strive to impart a message through my work. As you engage with my creations, you become both the narrator and the protagonist of this story.

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