Nr 85703559

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Starożytna Grecja, Cywilizacja mykeńska ceramika Apulijski kylix czerwonofigurowy, 23,5 x 6 cm - Hiszpańska licencja eksportowa - Kylix
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1 dzień temu

Starożytna Grecja, Cywilizacja mykeńska ceramika Apulijski kylix czerwonofigurowy, 23,5 x 6 cm - Hiszpańska licencja eksportowa - Kylix

A Kylix was a type of vessel, similar to a goblet or chalice, with two handles so that it could be held with both hands. These vessels were usually intended for Greek festivities and were therefore used for drinking wine. This Attic kylix, made in ceramic using the red-figure technique, is decorated inside with a circular tondo with a satyr. Provenance: European Private Collection / Félix Cervera Gallery, Barcelona, September 2023 Statement seen by Catawiki. The seller guarantees that he is entitled to ship this lot. The seller will take care that any necessary permits will be arranged. The seller will inform the buyer about this if this takes more than a few days. For buyers outside the European Union (EU) a Spanish export license is required. This will take several weeks to arrange. Due to Switzerland customs regulations, this lot cannot be sold to customers residing in Switzerland

Nr 85703559

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Starożytna Grecja, Cywilizacja mykeńska ceramika Apulijski kylix czerwonofigurowy, 23,5 x 6 cm - Hiszpańska licencja eksportowa - Kylix

Starożytna Grecja, Cywilizacja mykeńska ceramika Apulijski kylix czerwonofigurowy, 23,5 x 6 cm - Hiszpańska licencja eksportowa - Kylix

A Kylix was a type of vessel, similar to a goblet or chalice, with two handles so that it could be held with both hands. These vessels were usually intended for Greek festivities and were therefore used for drinking wine. This Attic kylix, made in ceramic using the red-figure technique, is decorated inside with a circular tondo with a satyr.

Provenance: European Private Collection / Félix Cervera Gallery, Barcelona, September 2023

Statement seen by Catawiki. The seller guarantees that he is entitled to ship this lot. The seller will take care that any necessary permits will be arranged. The seller will inform the buyer about this if this takes more than a few days.

For buyers outside the European Union (EU) a Spanish export license is required. This will take several weeks to arrange.

Due to Switzerland customs regulations, this lot cannot be sold to customers residing in Switzerland

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