Nr 85683799

2022 Allan Scott, Sauvignon Blanc - Marlborough - 12 Butelki (0,75l)
Ostateczna oferta
€ 120
4 godz. temu

2022 Allan Scott, Sauvignon Blanc - Marlborough - 12 Butelki (0,75l)

Allan Scott Sauvignon Blanc - Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. A Name Synonymous with Wine. As one of the first independent wineries to be establish in Marlborough in 1990, Allan Scott Family Winemakers have made a name for themselves in this highly competitive industry. You can expect every bit of aroma and flavour our Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is known for. The fresh, zesty, full fruit-driven new world style of wine will take you on a journey to the perfect taste of a pure New Zealand summer. The team at Allan Scott Wines would like to invite you to enjoy the passion, work, love and team effort that goes into every bottle of Sauvignon Blanc. With every vintage, we strive towards creating the purest, most memorable, and best possible wine out of what nature has gifted us in the form of soil, sun, water and wind. No.1 Best Value Buy WineSpectator

Nr 85683799

2022 Allan Scott, Sauvignon Blanc - Marlborough - 12 Butelki (0,75l)

2022 Allan Scott, Sauvignon Blanc - Marlborough - 12 Butelki (0,75l)

Allan Scott Sauvignon Blanc - Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc.

A Name Synonymous with Wine. As one of the first independent wineries to be establish in Marlborough in 1990, Allan Scott Family Winemakers have made a name for themselves in this highly competitive industry.

You can expect every bit of aroma and flavour our Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is known for. The fresh, zesty, full fruit-driven new world style of wine will take you on a journey to the perfect taste of a pure New Zealand summer.

The team at Allan Scott Wines would like to invite you to enjoy the passion, work, love and team effort that goes into every bottle of Sauvignon Blanc. With every vintage, we strive towards creating the purest, most memorable, and best possible wine out of what nature has gifted us in the form of soil, sun, water and wind.

No.1 Best Value Buy WineSpectator

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