Discover the divine grace of the New Kingdom with this certified Ancient Egyptian Hathor Amulet. A rare and exceptional piece, this amulet embodies the enchantment of Hathor, the Mother Goddess, symbolizing femininity, motherhood, and joy. Measuring 30mm in height, this exquisite artifact has been preserved in good condition, weighs 3.461 grams, and carries a good provenance ensuring its authenticity for collectors seeking a tangible piece of ancient history.

This stunning green stone amulet represents Hathor, one of the most beloved deities of ancient Egypt, often associated with music, dance, joy, love, and maternal care. Hathor's imagery was widespread, but this particular piece's condition and form suggest it was a cherished personal item, likely worn for protection and blessings. The material choice, a green stone, is significant as it could relate to the color's symbolism of fertility and rebirth in Egyptian culture. The size and portability of the amulet indicate it may have been worn daily or placed with the owner after life as a protective talisman for the journey to the afterlife.

The rarity of this amulet is attributed to its well-preserved state and the distinct iconography of Hathor. Additionally, the fact that it comes with a certificate of authenticity, part of a Private UK collection, and was collected before 1970 adds to its desirability and value. For collectors, this is not just an artifact but a piece of ancient art that carries the essence of Egyptian mythology and the allure of the New Kingdom period.

Given the amulet's characteristics, cultural significance, and provenance, it fits comfortably within the investment range for discerning collectors. Its allure is magnified by its rarity and the comprehensive validation steps it has passed, including the presence in a distinguished gallery and the acquisition of a certificate of authenticity.

The amulet’s craftsmanship is indicative of New Kingdom artistry, with its poised representation of Hathor. The wear pattern suggests it was frequently handled, possibly reflecting its importance to the owner. The iconography of Hathor, depicted with the traditional headdress, is a mark of her divine status and is an uncommon find in amulets of this size and composition. This piece was likely called a "protective amulet of Hathor" and used as a personal talisman, potentially to invoke the goddess's favor or protection in life or death. The combination of its detailed depiction and compact form is rare, enhancing its value to collectors.

Historie sprzedawców

Ekskluzywne przedmioty kolekcjonerskie — selekcje dokonywane na podstawie autentyczności, pochodzenia, materiału i wartości historycznej. Popieramy to certyfikatami autentyczności, wartościami licencji importowych i eksportowych oraz naszą znajomością rynku. Przesyłki: Wysyłamy wyłącznie na terenie UE, a nie do Wielkiej Brytanii, Stanów Zjednoczonych ani innych krajów.
Przetłumaczone przez Tłumacz Google

Discover the divine grace of the New Kingdom with this certified Ancient Egyptian Hathor Amulet. A rare and exceptional piece, this amulet embodies the enchantment of Hathor, the Mother Goddess, symbolizing femininity, motherhood, and joy. Measuring 30mm in height, this exquisite artifact has been preserved in good condition, weighs 3.461 grams, and carries a good provenance ensuring its authenticity for collectors seeking a tangible piece of ancient history.

This stunning green stone amulet represents Hathor, one of the most beloved deities of ancient Egypt, often associated with music, dance, joy, love, and maternal care. Hathor's imagery was widespread, but this particular piece's condition and form suggest it was a cherished personal item, likely worn for protection and blessings. The material choice, a green stone, is significant as it could relate to the color's symbolism of fertility and rebirth in Egyptian culture. The size and portability of the amulet indicate it may have been worn daily or placed with the owner after life as a protective talisman for the journey to the afterlife.

The rarity of this amulet is attributed to its well-preserved state and the distinct iconography of Hathor. Additionally, the fact that it comes with a certificate of authenticity, part of a Private UK collection, and was collected before 1970 adds to its desirability and value. For collectors, this is not just an artifact but a piece of ancient art that carries the essence of Egyptian mythology and the allure of the New Kingdom period.

Given the amulet's characteristics, cultural significance, and provenance, it fits comfortably within the investment range for discerning collectors. Its allure is magnified by its rarity and the comprehensive validation steps it has passed, including the presence in a distinguished gallery and the acquisition of a certificate of authenticity.

The amulet’s craftsmanship is indicative of New Kingdom artistry, with its poised representation of Hathor. The wear pattern suggests it was frequently handled, possibly reflecting its importance to the owner. The iconography of Hathor, depicted with the traditional headdress, is a mark of her divine status and is an uncommon find in amulets of this size and composition. This piece was likely called a "protective amulet of Hathor" and used as a personal talisman, potentially to invoke the goddess's favor or protection in life or death. The combination of its detailed depiction and compact form is rare, enhancing its value to collectors.

Historie sprzedawców

Ekskluzywne przedmioty kolekcjonerskie — selekcje dokonywane na podstawie autentyczności, pochodzenia, materiału i wartości historycznej. Popieramy to certyfikatami autentyczności, wartościami licencji importowych i eksportowych oraz naszą znajomością rynku. Przesyłki: Wysyłamy wyłącznie na terenie UE, a nie do Wielkiej Brytanii, Stanów Zjednoczonych ani innych krajów.
Przetłumaczone przez Tłumacz Google
Starożytny Egipt, Nowe Królestwo
Name of object
Stulecie/ rama czasowa
1570BCE - 1070BCE
Galeria/ handlarz antykami
Kraj pochodzenia
Zielony kamień
30 mm

Liczba komentarzy: 7 (7 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
  1. 7
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  3. 0

Fast shipping perfect packaging the earring is gorgeous !! Everything perfect! Thank you very much

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Odpowiedź sprzedawcy

Thank you for the nice feedback, enjoy your beautiful piece!

Très bel objet. Bien emballé et rapidement livré. Accompagné des documents nécessaires (coa, invoice). Je suis très satisfait et recommande ce vendeur.

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Odpowiedź sprzedawcy

Thank you for the positive reply and enjoy this great addition to your collection!

Das ist eine unglaubliche Objekt Ich danke Ihnen vielmals für Verkauf Alles sehr gut gegangen Danke

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Odpowiedź sprzedawcy

Vielen Dank für Ihren Kauf und wir wünschen Ihnen viel Glück mit dieser feinen Ergänzung zu Ihrer Sammlung!

Zobacz wszystkie opinii

Liczba komentarzy: 7 (7 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
  1. 7
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Fast shipping perfect packaging the earring is gorgeous !! Everything perfect! Thank you very much

Zobacz tłumaczenie
Odpowiedź sprzedawcy

Thank you for the nice feedback, enjoy your beautiful piece!


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Sprzedawca gwarantuje i może udowodnić, że przedmiot został nabyty legalnie. Sprzedawca został poinformowany przez firmę Catawiki, że musi dostarczyć dokumentację wymaganą przez przepisy ustawowe i wykonawcze obowiązujące w jego kraju zamieszkania. Sprzedawca gwarantuje i jest uprawniony do sprzedaży/eksportu tego przedmiotu. Sprzedawca przekaże nabywcy wszystkie znane informacje o pochodzeniu przedmiotu. Sprzedawca zapewnia, że wszelkie niezbędne pozwolenia są/zostaną załatwione. Sprzedawca niezwłocznie poinformuje nabywcę o wszelkich opóźnieniach w uzyskaniu takich zezwoleń.