Nr 85647659

2020 Maison Skyaasen, Pommard & Pernand-Vergelesses white - Burgundia - 2 Butelki (0,75l)
Ostateczna oferta
€ 120
17 godz. temu

2020 Maison Skyaasen, Pommard & Pernand-Vergelesses white - Burgundia - 2 Butelki (0,75l)

Two very rare bottles of the rising star Maison Skyaasen. Bottle conserved in a thermoregulated cellar. Skyaasen is managed by Joachim and Olivia. Lovers of wine and the Burgundy terroir, they decided to move to Burgundy in 2017 to establish an exceptional wine trading house that reflects the region's terroir and grape varieties. Together, they passionately vinify the region's finest grape varieties. Aware of current environmental issues and with a concern for protecting biodiversity, they decide to work their wines with the utmost respect for the fruits. Thus, the vinifications are carried out in a minimally interventionist manner. Fermentations are achieved using the naturally occurring yeasts on the grapes, and sulfur is added in minimal quantities. This allows the most beautiful appellations of the region to naturally express all their delicate aromas through each cuvée. The Maison's objective is to offer authentic wines that breathe the region's terroir, elevated by a unique and ancestral expertise.

Nr 85647659

2020 Maison Skyaasen, Pommard & Pernand-Vergelesses white - Burgundia - 2 Butelki (0,75l)

2020 Maison Skyaasen, Pommard & Pernand-Vergelesses white - Burgundia - 2 Butelki (0,75l)

Two very rare bottles of the rising star Maison Skyaasen.

Bottle conserved in a thermoregulated cellar.

Skyaasen is managed by Joachim and Olivia. Lovers of wine and the Burgundy terroir, they decided to move to Burgundy in 2017 to establish an exceptional wine trading house that reflects the region's terroir and grape varieties. Together, they passionately vinify the region's finest grape varieties. Aware of current environmental issues and with a concern for protecting biodiversity, they decide to work their wines with the utmost respect for the fruits. Thus, the vinifications are carried out in a minimally interventionist manner. Fermentations are achieved using the naturally occurring yeasts on the grapes, and sulfur is added in minimal quantities. This allows the most beautiful appellations of the region to naturally express all their delicate aromas through each cuvée. The Maison's objective is to offer authentic wines that breathe the region's terroir, elevated by a unique and ancestral expertise.

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