Nr 85445047

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Stół środkowy - Ekskluzywny stół mozaikowy w kolorze Azuryt - Rzadki minerał - azuryt
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2 dni temu

Stół środkowy - Ekskluzywny stół mozaikowy w kolorze Azuryt - Rzadki minerał - azuryt

This extraordinary piece of furniture is not just a table but a work of art that leads your space into new dimensions of elegance and sophistication. Azurite, with its deep blue hue, captures the gaze and enchants the soul. This table is a magical fusion of sought-after minerals and craftsmanship, with each fragment of azurite carefully selected and expertly arranged to create a mosaic reminiscent of the night sky. The visual effect is like a constellation of fallen stars in your space. Placed at the center of the room or as a focal point in an art area, the azurite table becomes the undisputed centerpiece. Its beauty is amplified by ambient lighting, making the deep blue of azurite shine and creating an enveloping atmosphere. This table is not just a piece of furniture but a timeless tale of elegance. It is an invitation to contemplate the mystery of the universe while you relax or share special moments with friends. The azurite table transforms your space into an aesthetic experience, a living art within the context of interior design, where the art of nature merges with functionality in a timeless dance.

Nr 85445047

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Stół środkowy - Ekskluzywny stół mozaikowy w kolorze Azuryt - Rzadki minerał - azuryt

Stół środkowy - Ekskluzywny stół mozaikowy w kolorze Azuryt - Rzadki minerał - azuryt

This extraordinary piece of furniture is not just a table but a work of art that leads your space into new dimensions of elegance and sophistication.
Azurite, with its deep blue hue, captures the gaze and enchants the soul. This table is a magical fusion of sought-after minerals and craftsmanship, with each fragment of azurite carefully selected and expertly arranged to create a mosaic reminiscent of the night sky. The visual effect is like a constellation of fallen stars in your space.
Placed at the center of the room or as a focal point in an art area, the azurite table becomes the undisputed centerpiece. Its beauty is amplified by ambient lighting, making the deep blue of azurite shine and creating an enveloping atmosphere.
This table is not just a piece of furniture but a timeless tale of elegance. It is an invitation to contemplate the mystery of the universe while you relax or share special moments with friends. The azurite table transforms your space into an aesthetic experience, a living art within the context of interior design, where the art of nature merges with functionality in a timeless dance.

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