Nr 84934731

Ozdobny ornament - Feines Zinn Vergoldet - Niemcy - Boccale con medaglie
Ostateczna oferta
€ 49
2 dni temu

Ozdobny ornament - Feines Zinn Vergoldet - Niemcy - Boccale con medaglie

German imperial mug from the Frankfurt Historical Museum made on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the coronation of the last Germanic-Roman emperor in Frankfurt. Fine pewter object, embellished with style and refined workmanship, carved and worked with reliefs, enriched with Franklin Mint medals of the coronation of the emperors. Enriching the lid is a double-headed eagle. Engraving on the bottom: "Historisches Museum der Stadt Frankfurt - 200 Jahre Gedenk-Edition - Kaiserhumpen - Kaiserkkronungen in Frankfurt - Feines Zinn Vergoldet". This pewter was available exclusively in France from the medal maker Franklin Mint. Height: 26.5cm. Weight: 1kg Fine tin, gold-plated.

Nr 84934731

Ozdobny ornament - Feines Zinn Vergoldet - Niemcy - Boccale con medaglie

Ozdobny ornament - Feines Zinn Vergoldet - Niemcy - Boccale con medaglie

German imperial mug from the Frankfurt Historical Museum made on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the coronation of the last Germanic-Roman emperor in Frankfurt. Fine pewter object, embellished with style and refined workmanship, carved and worked with reliefs, enriched with Franklin Mint medals of the coronation of the emperors. Enriching the lid is a double-headed eagle.
Engraving on the bottom: "Historisches Museum der Stadt Frankfurt - 200 Jahre Gedenk-Edition - Kaiserhumpen - Kaiserkkronungen in Frankfurt - Feines Zinn Vergoldet".

This pewter was available exclusively in France from the medal maker Franklin Mint.
Height: 26.5cm. Weight: 1kg
Fine tin, gold-plated.

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