Nr 84649155

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Villafuerte - No Pain No Drama
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3 tygodni temu

Villafuerte - No Pain No Drama

Modernist Noel Villafuerte's artworks are all about the experiential journey. His highly unique pieces are alive and bursting with intense colour. Inspired from the heart, they are works of great feeling that engage and absorb the viewer. Through his art, Noel explores universal themes reflecting the human condition and enduring spirit. Noel's style is spontaneous and free, resulting in textured and layered canvases of great depth and power. Noel has displayed his artworks in solo and group exhibitions internationally. Unmounted artwork. Digital Certificate of Authenticity available upon request. Shipping and handling; packaging, tracking, insurance Rolled canvas in a tube

Nr 84649155

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Villafuerte - No Pain No Drama

Villafuerte - No Pain No Drama

Modernist Noel Villafuerte's artworks are all about the experiential journey. His highly unique pieces are alive and bursting with intense colour. Inspired from the heart, they are works of great feeling that engage and absorb the viewer. Through his art, Noel explores universal themes reflecting the human condition and enduring spirit. Noel's style is spontaneous and free, resulting in textured and layered canvases of great depth and power. Noel has displayed his artworks in solo and group exhibitions internationally.

Unmounted artwork. Digital Certificate of Authenticity available upon request.

Shipping and handling;
packaging, tracking, insurance
Rolled canvas in a tube

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