Nr 84390847

Wazon -  Wazon Tulpena  - Szkło
Ostateczna oferta
€ 231
3 tygodni temu

Wazon - Wazon Tulpena - Szkło

This beautiful fan-shaped vase in the manner of Loetz Austria is a stunning example of Art Nouveau style in glassware. The bronze-colored vase features a delicate fan-shaped design, hand-blown with exceptional attention to detail. Dating back to 1899 during the Victorian era, this antique piece is a true original and a must-have for any serious collector of art glass.Crafted with production techniques that have been passed down for centuries, this unique vase stands at 6 inches tall and 6 inches wide, making it the perfect size for displaying on a shelf or accent table. Whether you're a lover of antique glassware or simply appreciate the beauty of handcrafted pieces, this Loetz vase is sure to impress. This stunning vase is fan-shaped at the top and has 5 crimped sections that were originally used for Tulips. It measures 6" tall and is in excellent condition.

Nr 84390847

Wazon -  Wazon Tulpena  - Szkło

Wazon - Wazon Tulpena - Szkło

This beautiful fan-shaped vase in the manner of Loetz Austria is a stunning example of Art Nouveau style in glassware. The bronze-colored vase features a delicate fan-shaped design, hand-blown with exceptional attention to detail. Dating back to 1899 during the Victorian era, this antique piece is a true original and a must-have for any serious collector of art glass.Crafted with production techniques that have been passed down for centuries, this unique vase stands at 6 inches tall and 6 inches wide, making it the perfect size for displaying on a shelf or accent table. Whether you're a lover of antique glassware or simply appreciate the beauty of handcrafted pieces, this Loetz vase is sure to impress.

This stunning vase is fan-shaped at the top and has 5 crimped sections that were originally used for Tulips. It measures 6" tall and is in excellent condition.

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