Nr 84299105

Edoardo Cerillo - Pompei. Nuovi Scavi. Casa dei Vettii - 1899
Ostateczna oferta
€ 700
2 tygodni temu

Edoardo Cerillo - Pompei. Nuovi Scavi. Casa dei Vettii - 1899

Nuovi Scavi di Pompei casa dei Vettii Appendice ai Dipinti Murali. Proprieta Artistica-Letteraria Comre. Pasquale D Amelio Napoli. Premiato Da X Gverni Di Europa. Richter & Co. Napoli Lit. Edit. (1899) The volume paginates as follows: Folder containing; Folded paper appendix (3 printed pages plus a blank), title sheet, plan sheet with index on reverse, 5 sheets with 9 pages of text and one blank, 8 plates printed one side , Plates I-VIII. First Edition. Complete. In original portfolio with color lithographed front cover. The Second Volume of a two volume series, rare in itself. Published on the occasion of the excavation carried out in the House of the Vettii (or Domus Vettiorum), one of the richest and most famous houses in Pompeii, in the year 1895. The plates depict the exquisite mural frescoes that adorned the rooms of Vettii house. It was carried out by Pasquale dAmelio, with descriptions by Antonio Sogliano, and published in Naples by Richter & Co. A famous and fascinating publication that reproduces the Pompeian wall paintings discovered in 1895 in the House of Vettii. The result obtained received the most flattering judgments from the critics of the time and is actually surprisingly effective. From the introduction of the first volume: "The execution is the most accurate and the most splendid that could be desired. The colors are not those spoiled by the air, the sun and the weather, but make the tones warm and lively, which they shine on the walls of Pompeii, which have just been brought to light; and so the gaps too were conscientiously filled in. Portfolio somewhat worn and soiled. Plates in very good condition.

Nr 84299105

Edoardo Cerillo - Pompei. Nuovi Scavi. Casa dei Vettii - 1899

Edoardo Cerillo - Pompei. Nuovi Scavi. Casa dei Vettii - 1899

Nuovi Scavi di Pompei casa dei Vettii Appendice ai Dipinti Murali. Proprieta Artistica-Letteraria Comre. Pasquale D Amelio Napoli. Premiato Da X Gverni Di Europa. Richter & Co. Napoli Lit. Edit. (1899)

The volume paginates as follows: Folder containing; Folded paper appendix (3 printed pages plus a blank), title sheet, plan sheet with index on reverse, 5 sheets with 9 pages of text and one blank, 8 plates printed one side , Plates I-VIII. First Edition. Complete. In original portfolio with color lithographed front cover. The Second Volume of a two volume series, rare in itself. Published on the occasion of the excavation carried out in the House of the Vettii (or Domus Vettiorum), one of the richest and most famous houses in Pompeii, in the year 1895. The plates depict the exquisite mural frescoes that adorned the rooms of Vettii house. It was carried out by Pasquale dAmelio, with descriptions by Antonio Sogliano, and published in Naples by Richter & Co. A famous and fascinating publication that reproduces the Pompeian wall paintings discovered in 1895 in the House of Vettii. The result obtained received the most flattering judgments from the critics of the time and is actually surprisingly effective. From the introduction of the first volume: "The execution is the most accurate and the most splendid that could be desired. The colors are not those spoiled by the air, the sun and the weather, but make the tones warm and lively, which they shine on the walls of Pompeii, which have just been brought to light; and so the gaps too were conscientiously filled in.

Portfolio somewhat worn and soiled. Plates in very good condition.

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