Nr 84290523

Ruslan Lobanov - "Wartime Sketches" (No. 443 of 530, signed & limited) - 2023
Ostateczna oferta
€ 350
3 tygodni temu

Ruslan Lobanov - "Wartime Sketches" (No. 443 of 530, signed & limited) - 2023

Nr 443/530 Signed with "Kiev, march 2024 - Ruslan Lobanov" Signed in war time! Beautiful book in which Ruslan incorporates the call for hope in his photographs. After the start of the war, I kept in touch with Ruslan. He kept me informed about the precarious situation there. From the many messages, the call for hope remained Ruslan used his own weapon (the camera) to echo his message of hope. Like many in Ukraine, he yearns for freedom, carefree... This book also ensures that he can continue his support for the army. So everyone is fighting for our freedom in their own way. We hope that this book will become a coveted item for many collectors, that it will become known and that it will contribute to the demand for continued support for ukraine. Enjoy it. Ukrainian Ruslan Lobanov is one of the most influential artists in Eastern Europe. Photographing female nudes in black and white, he draws his inspiration from cinema and fashion and produces erotic photographs brazenly flaunting the bodies of sensual woman. In disrupting established codes, the models represent a certain kind of feminine freedom that has earned the photographer remarkable collaborations with the magazine Playboy and the cosmetics group L'Oréal. Wartime Sketches - Hard cover - 30x30 cm.(12x12 inches) - 204 pages - Edition of 350 copies - All copies are numbered and signed​ Book Condition: As New

Nr 84290523

Ruslan Lobanov - "Wartime Sketches" (No. 443 of 530, signed & limited) - 2023

Ruslan Lobanov - "Wartime Sketches" (No. 443 of 530, signed & limited) - 2023

Nr 443/530
Signed with "Kiev, march 2024 - Ruslan Lobanov"
Signed in war time!

Beautiful book in which Ruslan incorporates the call for hope in his photographs.

After the start of the war, I kept in touch with Ruslan. He kept me informed about the precarious situation there. From the many messages, the call for hope remained Ruslan used his own weapon (the camera) to echo his message of hope. Like many in Ukraine, he yearns for freedom, carefree...
This book also ensures that he can continue his support for the army.
So everyone is fighting for our freedom in their own way.

We hope that this book will become a coveted item for many collectors, that it will become known and that it will contribute to the demand for continued support for ukraine.

Enjoy it.

Ukrainian Ruslan Lobanov is one of the most influential artists in Eastern Europe. Photographing female nudes in black and white, he draws his inspiration from cinema and fashion and produces erotic photographs brazenly flaunting the bodies of sensual woman. In disrupting established codes, the models represent a certain kind of feminine freedom that has earned the photographer remarkable collaborations with the magazine Playboy and the cosmetics group L'Oréal.

Wartime Sketches

- Hard cover
- 30x30 cm.(12x12 inches)
- 204 pages
- Edition of 350 copies
- All copies are numbered and signed​

Book Condition: As New

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