Nr 83670971

Theodore Roosevelt - Ranch Life and the hunting trail - 1902
Ostateczna oferta
€ 76
3 tygodni temu

Theodore Roosevelt - Ranch Life and the hunting trail - 1902

Very good copy of this rather scarce edition, written by President Roosevelt with the drawings of Remington. Will be sent by registered mail. No president has been closer to the working life of the West than Theodore Roosevelt. From 1884 to 1886 he built up his ranch on the Little Missouri in Dakota Territory, accepting the inevitable toil and hardships. He met the unique characters of the Bad Lands-mountain men, buffalo hunters, Indians, and cowboys – and observed their changes as the West became more populated. In “Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail”, Roosevelt takes us right to the cattle country of the West. His descriptions are tremendous as he travels on the range. We can see the dust of round-ups and feel the deep winter snow against our legs as he explores the frontier. We get to meet all sorts of cowboys and witness cattle activities. The book describes not only Roosevelt’s routine labor but his extraordinary adventures, including a stint as a deputy sheriff pursuing three horse thieves through the cold of winter. Whether recounting stories of cowboy fights or describing his hunting of elk, antelope, and bear, the book expresses TR’s lifelong delight in the outdoors, physical hardihood, and tests of nerve.

Nr 83670971

Theodore Roosevelt - Ranch Life and the hunting trail - 1902

Theodore Roosevelt - Ranch Life and the hunting trail - 1902

Very good copy of this rather scarce edition, written by President Roosevelt with the drawings of Remington.

Will be sent by registered mail.

No president has been closer to the working life of the West than Theodore Roosevelt. From 1884 to 1886 he built up his ranch on the Little Missouri in Dakota Territory, accepting the inevitable toil and hardships. He met the unique characters of the Bad Lands-mountain men, buffalo hunters, Indians, and cowboys – and observed their changes as the West became more populated. In “Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail”, Roosevelt takes us right to the cattle country of the West. His descriptions are tremendous as he travels on the range. We can see the dust of round-ups and feel the deep winter snow against our legs as he explores the frontier. We get to meet all sorts of cowboys and witness cattle activities. The book describes not only Roosevelt’s routine labor but his extraordinary adventures, including a stint as a deputy sheriff pursuing three horse thieves through the cold of winter. Whether recounting stories of cowboy fights or describing his hunting of elk, antelope, and bear, the book expresses TR’s lifelong delight in the outdoors, physical hardihood, and tests of nerve.

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