Nr 81149851

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Azja Zachodnia Powłoka Talizmany z koralików (14x) - 54 mm
Koniec licytacji
14 tygodni temu

Azja Zachodnia Powłoka Talizmany z koralików (14x) - 54 mm

A charming lot of 14 shell costal tribes bead talismans from the ancient cultures in Western Asiatic region , first millennium AD. In good condition. They have been cleaned in a tumbler, so they surfaces are shiny and smooth. The nice antique patina is preserved. Purchased mid 90's in London by Dr. Zelnik on the local art market. Important information : The seller guarantees that he is entitled to ship this lot. Due to the complicated Cultural Laws we will not be able to ship this item outside of the EU nor to the Unites States. Provenance : This item comes from the collection of Dr. István Zelnik, resulting from more than 50 years of collecting. Former diplomat,Asian Art collector,Researcher. Publications : More than 20 essays on Southeast Asian politics and economy. Co-author of 10 albums and books on Southeast Asian Art.

Nr 81149851

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Azja Zachodnia Powłoka Talizmany z koralików (14x) - 54 mm

Azja Zachodnia Powłoka Talizmany z koralików (14x) - 54 mm

A charming lot of 14 shell costal tribes bead talismans from the ancient cultures in Western Asiatic region , first millennium AD.

In good condition. They have been cleaned in a tumbler, so they surfaces are shiny and smooth. The nice antique patina is preserved.

Purchased mid 90's in London by Dr. Zelnik on the local art market.

Important information :

The seller guarantees that he is entitled to ship this lot. Due to the complicated Cultural Laws we will not be able to ship this item outside of the EU nor to the Unites States.

Provenance :

This item comes from the collection of Dr. István Zelnik, resulting from more than 50 years of collecting.
Former diplomat,Asian Art collector,Researcher.

Publications :

More than 20 essays on Southeast Asian politics and economy.
Co-author of 10 albums and books on Southeast Asian Art.

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