Nr 80442769

Harold Lentz - 3 Pop Up Books from the 30's - 1932-1934
Ostateczna oferta
€ 240
17 tygodni temu

Harold Lentz - 3 Pop Up Books from the 30's - 1932-1934

3 Pop Up Books from the 30's: - TOURTEL, Mary; The Daily Express Children's Annual NO. 5 Introducing self-Erecting models to illustrate the stories. Lane Publications, Daily Express, 1934 A Christmas annual with stories and pictures by various authors. Pictorial card covers with a large, smiling Golly to the upper cover. Includes a Rupert Bear story. Seven pop-up scenes and two colour plates, as well as numerous line drawings. One pop up is a visit from Father Christmas, another a large pop-up Golly. Damaged book spine First page missing and 1 pop up damaged - Harold Lentz; The Pop Up Pinocchio Blue Ribbon Books, 1932+ Complet Damaged book spine and covers - Harold Lentz; Jack the Giant Killer Blue Ribbon Books, 1932 Complet Damaged book spine and covers #roomsavantgarde

Nr 80442769

Harold Lentz - 3 Pop Up Books from the 30's - 1932-1934

Harold Lentz - 3 Pop Up Books from the 30's - 1932-1934

3 Pop Up Books from the 30's:

- TOURTEL, Mary; The Daily Express Children's Annual NO. 5 Introducing self-Erecting models to illustrate the stories.
Lane Publications, Daily Express, 1934

A Christmas annual with stories and pictures by various authors. Pictorial card covers with a large, smiling Golly to the upper cover. Includes a Rupert Bear story. Seven pop-up scenes and two colour plates, as well as numerous line drawings. One pop up is a visit from Father Christmas, another a large pop-up Golly.
Damaged book spine
First page missing and 1 pop up damaged

- Harold Lentz; The Pop Up Pinocchio
Blue Ribbon Books, 1932+
Damaged book spine and covers

- Harold Lentz; Jack the Giant Killer
Blue Ribbon Books, 1932
Damaged book spine and covers


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