Nr 80138951

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Starożytna Grecja, Epoka hellenistyczna Terakota Kobieca postać Tanagry
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19 tygodni temu

Starożytna Grecja, Epoka hellenistyczna Terakota Kobieca postać Tanagry

Beautiful Tanagra female figure shown in contrapposto position, dressed with chiton and himation,with her right arm bent in front of her body and her left arm under the mantle. The woman is depicted with the hair pulled back and tied in a bun.  Finely detailed facial features. |Greece. 3rd Century BC. The purpose of Tanagra figurines was the funerary use, especially after incineration will give way to the custom of burial from 5th Century BC. In the tombs of Boeotia, two or three meters deep, draped and naked women figures of terracotta like this one were found. Dimensions: 17,00 cm. Condition: Earthy adhessions on the surface. Small material losses on the lower part, otherwise fine condition. Provenance: Acquired to a Spanish Antiquarian - Barcelone, Spain in 2015. Before belgian private collection. Notes: The piece includes authenticity certificate. The piece includes Spanish Export License ( Passport for European Union)- If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit will be requested by us. This process could take between 1 and 2 months. Shipped with Insurance.

Nr 80138951

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Starożytna Grecja, Epoka hellenistyczna Terakota Kobieca postać Tanagry

Starożytna Grecja, Epoka hellenistyczna Terakota Kobieca postać Tanagry

Beautiful Tanagra female figure shown in contrapposto position, dressed with chiton and himation,with her right arm bent in front of her body and her left arm under the mantle. The woman is depicted with the hair pulled back and tied in a bun.  Finely detailed facial features. |Greece. 3rd Century BC.

The purpose of Tanagra figurines was the funerary use, especially after incineration will give way to the custom of burial from 5th Century BC. In the tombs of Boeotia, two or three meters deep, draped and naked women figures of terracotta like this one were found.

Dimensions: 17,00 cm.

Condition: Earthy adhessions on the surface. Small material losses on the lower part, otherwise fine condition.

Provenance: Acquired to a Spanish Antiquarian - Barcelone, Spain in 2015. Before belgian private collection.

Notes: The piece includes authenticity certificate. The piece includes Spanish Export License ( Passport for European Union)- If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit will be requested by us. This process could take between 1 and 2 months. Shipped with Insurance.

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