Nr 78476281

Antoine Salomon & Guy Cogeval - Vuillard. Critical Catalogue of Paintings and Pastels - 2003
Ostateczna oferta
€ 304
25 tygodni temu

Antoine Salomon & Guy Cogeval - Vuillard. Critical Catalogue of Paintings and Pastels - 2003

The art of Édouard Vuillard (1868-1940) spans two centuries: a leading protagonist of Post-Impressionism, Vuillard also took part in the renewal of the decorative arts after 1900. This catalogue raisonné of the paintings and pastels of Édouard Vuillard provides an extraordinary opportunity to look again more carefully and above all, comprehensively. Hundreds of photographs taken by Vuillard himself, together with an unprecedented collection of preparatory drawings and sketches, focus more closely on the artist's creative process than has any previous study. These three volumes present a compelling re-examination of Vuillard's work and recommends itself to experts and art lovers alike.

Nr 78476281

Antoine Salomon & Guy Cogeval - Vuillard. Critical Catalogue of Paintings and Pastels - 2003

Antoine Salomon & Guy Cogeval - Vuillard. Critical Catalogue of Paintings and Pastels - 2003

The art of Édouard Vuillard (1868-1940) spans two centuries: a leading protagonist of Post-Impressionism, Vuillard also took part in the renewal of the decorative arts after 1900.

This catalogue raisonné of the paintings and pastels of Édouard Vuillard provides an extraordinary opportunity to look again more carefully and above all, comprehensively. Hundreds of photographs taken by Vuillard himself, together with an unprecedented collection of preparatory drawings and sketches, focus more closely on the artist's creative process than has any previous study.

These three volumes present a compelling re-examination of Vuillard's work and recommends itself to experts and art lovers alike.

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