Nr 69930139

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Stefanie Schneider - Red Rose (Suburbia)
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1 dzień temu

Stefanie Schneider - Red Rose (Suburbia)

Red Rose (Suburbia) - 2004, Edition 2/5, 60x80cm, analog C-Print, hand-printed by the artist, based on the Polaroid. Signature label and Certificate. Artist Inventory #405.02. This series was shot on the set of Marc Forster's first feature film 'Everything put Together'. Suburbs collectively, or the people who live in them Suburb { a district, especially a residential one, on the edge of a city or large town } synonyms [Outer edge , Fringes, Periphery, Limits, Outer reaches, Environs ] Stefanie Schneider received her MFA in Communication Design at the Folkwang Schule Essen, Germany. Her work has been shown at the Museum for Photography, Braunschweig, Museum für Kommunikation, Berlin, the Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt, the Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden, Kunstverein Bielefeld, Museum für Moderne Kunst Passau, Les Rencontres d'Arles, Foto -Triennale Esslingen, Bombay Beach Biennale.

Nr 69930139

Przedmiot nie jest już dostępny
Stefanie Schneider - Red Rose (Suburbia)

Stefanie Schneider - Red Rose (Suburbia)

Red Rose (Suburbia) - 2004,

Edition 2/5, 60x80cm,
analog C-Print, hand-printed by the artist, based on the Polaroid.
Signature label and Certificate.
Artist Inventory #405.02.

This series was shot on the set of Marc Forster's first feature film 'Everything put Together'.

Suburbs collectively, or the people who live in them
Suburb { a district, especially a residential one, on the edge of a city or large town }
synonyms [Outer edge , Fringes, Periphery, Limits, Outer reaches, Environs ]

Stefanie Schneider received her MFA in Communication Design at the Folkwang Schule Essen, Germany. Her work has been shown at the Museum for Photography, Braunschweig, Museum für Kommunikation, Berlin, the Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt, the Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden, Kunstverein Bielefeld, Museum für Moderne Kunst Passau, Les Rencontres d'Arles, Foto -Triennale Esslingen, Bombay Beach Biennale.

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