Nr. 92147389

Ikke lenger tilgjengelig
Hermès - Lær - Armbånd
Budgivning avsluttet
22 t. siden

Hermès - Lær - Armbånd

Customs and taxes: Your country of residence may apply extra customs duties and import taxes! Please check the laws of your country to determine if import duties or taxes are applicable. We cannot be held responsible for any expenses incurred for importing items into the purchaser's country of residence. If the winning bidder decides to cancel/withdraw they will bear risk, cost of all shipping and return import duties of the seller. Shipping as an insured parcel with tracking number. Expedited shipping & insured worldwide. ※Depending on your country of residence, please bear in mind that you might have to pay additional 20% to 30% of taxes and/or extra import duties. Brand Name Hermes Style: Bracelet SIZE: about ~21.0cm Product Number Serial Number Condition: Very good There are some signs of use on the inside, but it is in good condition. ※All products shown in the photo are included. Not all accessories are included. Shipping charges are fixed and are non-refundable. Our store offers products at the lowest prices. please confirm.

Nr. 92147389

Ikke lenger tilgjengelig
Hermès - Lær - Armbånd

Hermès - Lær - Armbånd

Customs and taxes: Your country of residence may apply extra customs duties and import taxes! Please check the laws of your country to determine if import duties or taxes are applicable. We cannot be held responsible for any expenses incurred for importing items into the purchaser's country of residence.

If the winning bidder decides to cancel/withdraw they will bear risk, cost of all shipping and return import duties of the seller.
Shipping as an insured parcel with tracking number.
Expedited shipping & insured worldwide.

※Depending on your country of residence, please bear in mind that you might have to pay additional 20% to 30% of taxes and/or extra import duties.

Brand Name Hermes
Style: Bracelet
SIZE: about ~21.0cm

Product Number
Serial Number

Condition: Very good
There are some signs of use on the inside, but it is in good condition.

※All products shown in the photo are included. Not all accessories are included.
Shipping charges are fixed and are non-refundable.
Our store offers products at the lowest prices. please confirm.

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