Nr. 85653973

Metacinnabar med Cinnabar-epitaksi og kalsitt - Idria mine, Idrija, Slovenia - Høyde: 7.9 cm - Bredde: 4.1 cm- 160 g
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52 €
1 dag siden

Metacinnabar med Cinnabar-epitaksi og kalsitt - Idria mine, Idrija, Slovenia - Høyde: 7.9 cm - Bredde: 4.1 cm- 160 g

Watch a video of this specimen by following the Vimeo link below: Ex. Les Fils d'Émile Deyrolle (Paris, 1896-1950's). Comes with the typical Deyrolle box and old label. In June this year, Alain Martaud and I acquired parts of an old family collection in Marseille, gathered up between the late XIXth century and the 1960's by successive generations of collectors (probably city dignitaries). This collection featured hundreds of specimens that were exclusively purchased from Deyrolle, a prominent Parisian naturalist dealer in this period, and had been kept stored in their original box until today, carefully sorted in several custom-made wooden mineral drawer cabinets. The specimens by themselves date back from the early XIXth century up to the first half of the XXth century and consist mostly in European and American classics, as well as rare species and systematics ore samples. Here is rare mercury mineral specimen from the Idria mine in Slovenia, featuring small dendritic blobs of metacinnabar partly or totally coated in red cinnabar, in combination with sparkling dolomite. Notice also some cinnabar crystals. A remarkable rare species specimen from one of the two main mercury minerals locality in Europe (with Almadén).

Nr. 85653973

Metacinnabar med Cinnabar-epitaksi og kalsitt - Idria mine, Idrija, Slovenia - Høyde: 7.9 cm - Bredde: 4.1 cm- 160 g

Metacinnabar med Cinnabar-epitaksi og kalsitt - Idria mine, Idrija, Slovenia - Høyde: 7.9 cm - Bredde: 4.1 cm- 160 g

Watch a video of this specimen by following the Vimeo link below:

Ex. Les Fils d'Émile Deyrolle (Paris, 1896-1950's). Comes with the typical Deyrolle box and old label.

In June this year, Alain Martaud and I acquired parts of an old family collection in Marseille, gathered up between the late XIXth century and the 1960's by successive generations of collectors (probably city dignitaries).
This collection featured hundreds of specimens that were exclusively purchased from Deyrolle, a prominent Parisian naturalist dealer in this period, and had been kept stored in their original box until today, carefully sorted in several custom-made wooden mineral drawer cabinets.
The specimens by themselves date back from the early XIXth century up to the first half of the XXth century and consist mostly in European and American classics, as well as rare species and systematics ore samples.

Here is rare mercury mineral specimen from the Idria mine in Slovenia, featuring small dendritic blobs of metacinnabar partly or totally coated in red cinnabar, in combination with sparkling dolomite. Notice also some cinnabar crystals.

A remarkable rare species specimen from one of the two main mercury minerals locality in Europe (with Almadén).

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