Nr. 85504085

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Roman Empire. Revolt of Aureolus, commander of cavalry under Gallienus. Antoninianus Mediolanum (Milan) mint 3rd officina 268 A.D. - VIRTVS EQVIT -
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Roman Empire. Revolt of Aureolus, commander of cavalry under Gallienus. Antoninianus Mediolanum (Milan) mint 3rd officina 268 A.D. - VIRTVS EQVIT -

PLEASE NOTE: sorry, no shipping to Asia, Africa, South America, Russia, Turkey and Switzerland Aureolus was Master of the Horse, commander of the Roman cavalry, under Gallienus. He was responsible for the defeat of the Macriani usurpers and was left in charge of the West while Gallienus was occupied with the East. He later revolted against Gallienus who besieged him at his headquarters at Milan (Mediolanum). During the siege, Aureolus, although declared Augustus by his troops, announced his loyalty to Postumus and issued coins from the mint at Milan in the name of Postumus. Coins issued during this revolt tend to be small and crude even by the reduced standards of that period. They are distinguished from other coins of Postumus by the use of an officina (workshop) letter (P, S or T) in the reverse exergue and by a strong tendency (there are exceptions) to the mention of the cavalry (EQVITVM or AEQVITVM) in reverse legends (Source: Doug Smith) Grade: VF+/EF- toning Material: AE/BI silvered Weight: 3,69 g Diameter: 23 mm Ref.: Cunetio 2486/2487. Elmer 614 Obverse: IMP POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right Reverse: VIRTVS EQVIT, Virtus advancing right, holding round shield in her left hand and spear in her right, T in exergue.

Nr. 85504085

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Roman Empire. Revolt of Aureolus, commander of cavalry under Gallienus. Antoninianus Mediolanum (Milan) mint 3rd officina 268 A.D. - VIRTVS EQVIT -

Roman Empire. Revolt of Aureolus, commander of cavalry under Gallienus. Antoninianus Mediolanum (Milan) mint 3rd officina 268 A.D. - VIRTVS EQVIT -

PLEASE NOTE: sorry, no shipping to Asia, Africa, South America, Russia, Turkey and Switzerland

Aureolus was Master of the Horse, commander of the Roman cavalry, under Gallienus. He was responsible for the defeat of the Macriani usurpers and was left in charge of the West while Gallienus was occupied with the East. He later revolted against Gallienus who besieged him at his headquarters at Milan (Mediolanum). During the siege, Aureolus, although declared Augustus by his troops, announced his loyalty to Postumus and issued coins from the mint at Milan in the name of Postumus. Coins issued during this revolt tend to be small and crude even by the reduced standards of that period. They are distinguished from other coins of Postumus by the use of an officina (workshop) letter (P, S or T) in the reverse exergue and by a strong tendency (there are exceptions) to the mention of the cavalry (EQVITVM or AEQVITVM) in reverse legends (Source: Doug Smith)

Grade: VF+/EF- toning
Material: AE/BI silvered
Weight: 3,69 g
Diameter: 23 mm
Ref.: Cunetio 2486/2487. Elmer 614

Obverse: IMP POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right

Reverse: VIRTVS EQVIT, Virtus advancing right, holding round shield in her left hand and spear in her right, T in exergue.

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