Nr. 85413581

Norman Gekko (XX-XXI) - Crushed Chanel N.5 GOLD
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43 €
1 dag siden

Norman Gekko (XX-XXI) - Crushed Chanel N.5 GOLD

Beautiful Sculpture by Artist Norman Gekko. Title: « Crushed Chanel N.5 GOLD » Date: 2021 Medium: oil barrel, spray can and acrylic on black plinth. This original artwork belongs to the artist’s « Distinguishing Marques » series. Distinguishing marques, a new series of sculptures by artist Norman Gekko, is probably one of the most complete series by the artist from a technical and aesthetic point of view. The series condenses a number of sociologically speaking concepts, including an attempt to re-appropriate the stigma of luxury iconography... Signed On the reverse with title, number and dimensions. Dimensions: 25 x 25 x 15 cm Varnished. With certificate of Authenticity. Very good condition Will be posted registered mail in a safe box.

Nr. 85413581

Norman Gekko (XX-XXI) - Crushed Chanel N.5 GOLD

Norman Gekko (XX-XXI) - Crushed Chanel N.5 GOLD

Beautiful Sculpture by Artist Norman Gekko.
Title: « Crushed Chanel N.5 GOLD »
Date: 2021
Medium: oil barrel, spray can and acrylic on black plinth.
This original artwork belongs to the artist’s « Distinguishing Marques » series. Distinguishing marques, a new series of sculptures by artist Norman Gekko, is probably one of the most complete series by the artist from a technical and aesthetic point of view.

The series condenses a number of sociologically speaking concepts, including an attempt to re-appropriate the stigma of luxury iconography...

Signed On the reverse with title, number and dimensions.
Dimensions: 25 x 25 x 15 cm
With certificate of Authenticity.
Very good condition
Will be posted registered mail in a safe box.

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