Nr. 85006977

12 Medisin Dzi + 5 Dzi - Velsignet av munken + kalligrafi og gaveeske- 26 g - (17)
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12 Medisin Dzi + 5 Dzi - Velsignet av munken + kalligrafi og gaveeske- 26 g - (17)

CEREMONY FERBUARY 2024: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Agate Round Beads (10mm) —-------MEDECINE DZI—-------with Auspicious Cloud Pattern for Longevity ("Xiangyun" 祥云). >>> The bead of Dzi medicine is intended primarily for those who are engaged in treatment, for healers. It helps them replenish the energy used to treat the patient, and also protects against adverse energies and helps the healer himself recover. >>> Before Buddhism appeared in Tibet, this bead was called , and now it is also called Dzi Buddha Medicine. It is believed that the Buddha of Medicine was one of the first doctors to treat people. And in this Dzi lies the healing power of this Buddha. —--Buddha Medicine—-- >>> The is a fully enlightened being. He is compassionate to all living beings. The Buddha of Medicine protects all living beings from physical and mental illnesses and other dangers. It helps to destroy the three main poisons that poison our minds and souls: attachment, hatred and ignorance. These three poisons are the source of all diseases and dangers. In order to recover from some disease and keep the body in good condition, there is the practice of the Buddha of Medicine. Practice is based on the fact that you need to sing a special mantra of the Buddha of Medicine, while in a meditative state. >>> For healing, the mantra is repeated 108 times. In this case, before the healed is a glass of water, which he then drinks. Thanks to the mantra, water is endowed with special power and begins to cure his illness. This practice is repeated daily until the disease is cured. This practice helps the healer to develop the ability to see, which favorably affects the process of discovering the causes of the disease and the successful diagnosis. In addition, this mantra "heals" and the karma of a person. Regular practice leads to better karma and faster attainment of enlightenment. The mantra is called the Mantra of Bhaishajyagur. Her words are: "Teyata Om Bekandze-Bekandze Maha Bekandze Randze Samud Gate Soha". >>> In the middle of this bead, only one threadlike strip passes, most often white. The remaining color of the beads is usually black or carnelian. The middle strip may be wider like a ribbon. In this case, the strip symbolizes wealth and ability to heal. >>> Wide-band beads contribute to the greater comfort of its owner. A bead with a thin stripe in the middle is better for healing. This helps restore lost vital energy. To heal people, many healers use their energy. And to quickly restore it and maintain the health of the healer himself, they should use this bead of Dzi Medicine. >>> Many people worry and feel guilty about not working so well to cope with their karma. This is not very productive. Guilt itself creates disease and increases karma. Dzi Buddha of Medicine helps to cope with such a non-constructive emotional state and work as much as possible to get rid of his karma, without feeling guilty for doing something wrong. >>>The Dzi Medicine contributes to the return of joy, laughter and a sense of ease of being into the life its owner. This is primarily needed by healers. They restore health to people. And this must be done with a good mood and a pure mind. Therefore, the healer must be responsible for his life and make sure that he has everything good in life, so that nothing prevents him from fulfilling his very important mission. And the bead Dzi Medicine just can help him with this. >>>If a person seeks to use the power of Dzi Medicine beads only to evade his direct duties or only for selfish purposes, then this can have the opposite effect and bring chaos to the life of such a person. He will also earn heavy karma. >>> Before using the power of this Dzi, a person must be sure that he needs it, and not his ego. He must be sure that his heart is open and filled with life and love. Only for such people the Dzi Buddha of Medicine revealed in all his strength. ----------AUSPICIOUS CLOUD "Xiangyun" (祥云)---------- >>>Clouds, sometimes referred to as "auspicious clouds" (xiangyun 祥云), represent the heavens and also "good luck". Its form often resembles the auspicious shape of the LINGZHI "Fungus of Immortality". -----LINGZHI (靈芝)----- >>> In Chinese art, the lingzhi symbolizes great health and longevity, as depicted in the imperial Forbidden City and Summer Palace. It was a talisman for luck in the traditional culture of China, and the goddess of healing Guanyin is sometimes depicted holding a lingzhi mushroom. >>>The sacred Fungus of Immortality, considered by the Daoist mystics as the food of the Immortals (xian). Symbol of longevity, since, when dry, it becomes extremely long lasting. It is used extensively in Chinese medicine. It was believed that lingzhi funguses grew in the abodes of the Immortals, the Three Islands of the Blest, and that whoever ate the sacred fungus attained immortality. Lingzhi funguses or decorative patterns or shapes possibly derived from them (i.e. clouds and ruyi scepters) are quite common in Chinese art. -----Auspicious significance----- >>>Clouds motifs is rooted in agrarian society culture of the Chinese people.  Clouds are associated with good luck as the cloud makes rain which moisten all things, and therefore, it brings good fortune to people. >>>In Chinese language, clouds are called yun (云) which is a homonym for the Chinese character yun "good fortune" (运). >>>Xiangyun are one of the most auspicious patterns used in China and have a very long history. Clouds motifs have appeared in China as early as the Shang dynasty and Eastern Zhou dynasty.  They are one of the oldest decorations and ornaments used in Chinese art, Chinese architecture, and Chinese textile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------BIRD DZI---------- >>> BIRD DZI is one of the most powerful talismans that helps in the implementation of communication. This talisman helps with all forms of written communication through texts, books, etc. BIRD DZI also favors the transmission of information and communication through speech and music. >>> The drawing on BIRD DZI looks like a stylized performance of flying gulls. Typically, the pattern resembles three birds flying one above the other. The ends of the wings of the upper and lower birds are connected in the form of an arch. This is the main character on this Dzi, endowed with the power to improve any communication. Other symbols with their own meaning can also be present on the bead, which contribute their nuances to the energy and strength of a particular DZI. >>> Since ancient times, birds have been used as messengers to transmit messages. It is believed that the birds depicted on this Dzi carry the messages of the owner and deliver them to heaven. Birds are some of the best singers on Earth, and they also symbolize music coming from heaven. >>> Since the BIRD DZI helps in many types of communication, this bead will be useful as a strong talisman for people of the following specialties: -To the speakers. -To the musicians. -To the announcers. -To lecturers. -To the artists. -To the writers. -To the teachers. -To everyone who is involved in writing something, communicating to other people information through speech, texts and music. >>> For people of creative professions, BIRD DZI will be useful in that it helps to "catch" a creative message from heaven in the form of pictures or music. This can be described as a visit to the muse. But you have to be careful. Since if a person has a weak psyche, such pictures and sounds can be perceived as hallucinations. >>> BIRD DZI has a very strong male energy. It can be so much that it may be excessive for the owner of this bead. Therefore, you need to "get used" to wearing this Dzi. You can not vilify a lot, and then put it off for a while. It will also be good if you balance this Yang energy by wearing other Dzi beads with pronounced Yin energy. >>> This imbalance of Yang energy is also dangerous in that it can give rise to excessive confidence in the owner of the bead Dzi bird. Such excessive self-confidence leads to arrogance and selfishness. And if Dzi is used to satisfy the ego of the bead owner, then this can lead to negative karma. >>> But if the owner of the Dzi bead uses the bird with an open heart and uses it only to hear the heavens and comprehensively improve his communication, then communication is being established with the whole world. Karma improves and life becomes richer and more colorful. -----Conclusion----- >>> The Dzi bird bead is a great helper in the modern world, where you simply cannot do without information and good communication ability. Wear this Dzi, become more capable and sociable and your life will gain new colors, become joyful and happy. ----------DRAGON DZI---------- >>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities. >>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength. -----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads----- >>>On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically. >>>All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon. Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious. -----Conclusion----- >>>Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious. >>>Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life. ----------LOTUS DZI---------- >>> Dzi Lotus has the ability to clear the mind and soothe the heart. This leads to peace of mind and a clear consciousness. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes many things. But the main meaning of Dzi Lotus is spiritual disclosure and purity. This is the revelation of the true nature of a being, which is realized through enlightenment, compassion for all living beings and liberation from one’s passions. >>> Lotus is a water flower. It begins to grow in the mud that has accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir - bottom mud. It grows in conditions in which other water lilies do not survive. The lotus actually grows out of the mud, and its flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth. >>> The mission of the lotus flowers is to show us that beauty can grow and flourish even in the dirtiest conditions of existence. Beauty can be found anywhere. Dzi lotus flower helps its owner to create a perfect state of mind and a calm life. -----Application Beads Lotus Dzi----- >>> Lotus Dzi gives attractiveness, tranquility and spiritual purity. It cleanses the body and mind and improves human relationships. Bead Dzi two Lotuses maintains the integrity, tranquility and charisma of its owner. She also activates communication with people around him and strengthens his authority among them. >>> The Dzi Lotus is very popular due to its protective properties against negative influences and all kinds of evil. It has a cleansing effect on the human psyche, helps to ensure safety and supports the body in a healthy state. >>> This bead helps to clear the mind and psyche of all the negative that has accumulated in our consciousness over the course of many years and even lives. In addition to cleansing the mind and calming the mind, this bead cleanses our heart. In this case, the heart is filled with love and a person comes to a state of peace of mind. The Dzi Lotus Bead is recommended for those who have to make the right decisions and those who have chosen the path of self-improvement and strive for higher levels of awareness. It brings luck and wisdom to its owner. -----Conclusion----- >>> Lotus Dzi helps in spiritual purification, enlightens the mind and soothes the heart. A person gains a state of love, calmness and serenity. Feels a sense of joy and happiness. This bead protects us from everything negative and gives attractiveness to its owner. >>> Dzi Lotus is a very good bead both for ordinary people who want to live a more peaceful and quiet life, and for spiritual seekers who seek to calm their mind and achieve enlightenment. Wear this bead and your life will become easier and more harmonious. ----------TREASURE VASE---------- >>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity. >>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier. >>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. Consider this Buddhist symbol in more detail. -----Precious vase----- >>> A precious vase or vessel of plenty is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. The precious vase symbolizes spiritual and material wealth, abundance and happiness. Its symbolic meaning is almost always associated with the accumulation and satisfaction of material wealth. In many cultures, there is a similar concept of an inexhaustible vessel that provides wealth. >>> There are two aspects to the operation of this precious vase of plenty - external and internal. The external aspect is expressed in the filling of this vase with various valuable substances: gold, silver, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, agate, onyx, pearls, crystal and turquoise. It may also contain food in the form of grains of rice, peas, lentils, etc. The vase is filled to the brim. And if something is taken out of it, then it is filled again. >>> The inner nature of the precious vase of plenty is the heavenly palace in which, along with other Bodhisattva beings of compassion and the supreme god of wealth, live. This secret aspect of the vessel of plenty makes the owner of such a vase content and happy. Also, this vase helps protect against all kinds of evil and brings good to the life of its owner. >>> In order to attract wealth into their home, vases of plenty filled with precious and sacred substances are usually placed on the altars. Also, such vases can be buried on mountain passes, under flowing water, or simply somewhere in the area of ​​your home. The presence of such a talisman attracts wealth and at the same time does not violate harmony with the world. In relation to Buddhism, this means the spiritual abundance of the Buddha. These are inexhaustible treasures, the number of which does not decrease, no matter how much he gives them to people. -----Description and use of Dzi nectar beads----- >>> On a Dzi bead a nectar vessel of plenty is drawn a vessel in the form of a heart with a cross extending from it. In the vessel itself, quite often, an image in the form of a heart is also drawn. It turns out two hearts embedded in each other. Such Dzi longevity can prevent the occurrence of disease. There are beads with one vessel of the heart. >>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty prevents death from accidents, improves the strengths of the individual and helps its owner to achieve wealth and longevity. Dzi a vessel of plenty contributes to the acquisition of those things that delight the eye and soul. Thanks to the Dzi of plenty, you can find “milk rivers and jelly banks,” that is, get into a country of plenty. All the things you only dreamed about could be yours if you have a Dzi bead of nectar-filled abundance. This Tibetan talisman helps to open doors previously closed for you and makes your life easier and more enjoyable. Dzi bead of longevity provides good health and helps to develop charisma, which helps to influence people and achieve a good position in society. -----Conclusion----- >>> Carrying a Dzi nectar vessel of plenty provides the best safety of its owner, prevents misfortunes and improves virtues. Dzi abundance improves the quality of life, protects against loss and gives harmony in life. It contributes to enrichment and prosperity. >>> Dzi longevity helps to find good health and promotes longevity. This is a very good Dzi for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to have it in your set of Tibetan beads Dzi. It is also a great gift for friends and family. >>> We all want to become healthier, wealthier and live longer. Dzi fertility vessel helps with this. Wear this Tibetan mascot and become more successful and happy! ----------DZI 5 EYES---------- -Dzi bead 5 eyes with Lightning- >>> Other symbols are usually found on the Dzi lightning bead. The most common Dzi bead is a mystical knot with lightning. It is one of the forms of a bead of 5 eyes Dzi and it is often called Dzi 5 eyes with lightning. >>> Dzi lightning bead and mystical knot combine the power of the symbol of lightning and Dzi 5 eyes. Tibetan bead Dzi 5 eyes with lightning is a powerful talisman that helps to get everything that its owner wants. It brings lightning-fast success in various areas of life. >>> Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman of wealth, which helps its owner to obtain material benefits. It gives good luck in business, attracts money, attracts responsive people and contributes to making money profit from multiple sources of income. And the symbol of lightning in this Dzi helps to overcome the effects of negative forces, eliminates obstacles. >>> Dzi bead 5 eyes with lightning help to make a successful career, helps to increase intelligence and educational level. Possession of this Dzi brings joy and helps to achieve success in what has long been conceived and previously could not be done. -----Conclusion----- >>> The main action of the Dzi lightning beads is the destruction of ignorance. This ignorance is manifested in many areas and in all planes of being. Everything that is bad happens to a person, all suffering and pain, comes from ignorance. Wear this Dzi, free yourself from ignorance, acquire knowledge and your life will become easier and better. Thanks to this Dzi, the fog of ignorance and clouds of ignorance will dissipate and you will gain true knowledge, enlightenment and happiness. >>> Dzi 5-eyed bead is one of the most mysterious beads. It gives wisdom, prosperity, prolongs life and brings many other benefits. This blessing comes from 5 Dhyani Buddhas. She helps her owner to get what he wants and brings great happiness. >>> Dhyani-Buddha, in Mahayana Buddhism, and particularly in Vajrayana (Tantric) Buddhism, any of a group of five “self-born” celestial buddhas who have always existed from the beginning of time. The five are usually identified as Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi. >>> The five are almost identically represented in art, all dressed in monastic garments, seated with folded legs, with the same hairdress and long-lobed ears, but are distinguished by characteristic colours, symbols, poses of hands, and the directions they face. The five eternal Buddhas are correlated to other groups of five, so that the entire cosmos is seen as divided between them and as emanating from them. Thus, each represents one of the five skandhas, or mental and physical aggregates that make up the whole of cosmic as well as individual existence.

Nr. 85006977

12 Medisin Dzi + 5 Dzi - Velsignet av munken + kalligrafi og gaveeske- 26 g - (17)

12 Medisin Dzi + 5 Dzi - Velsignet av munken + kalligrafi og gaveeske- 26 g - (17)

All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
12 Agate Round Beads (10mm)
—-------MEDECINE DZI—-------with Auspicious Cloud Pattern for Longevity ("Xiangyun" 祥云).
>>> The bead of Dzi medicine is intended primarily for those who are engaged in treatment, for healers. It helps them replenish the energy used to treat the patient, and also protects against adverse energies and helps the healer himself recover.
>>> Before Buddhism appeared in Tibet, this bead was called , and now it is also called Dzi Buddha Medicine. It is believed that the Buddha of Medicine was one of the first doctors to treat people. And in this Dzi lies the healing power of this Buddha.
—--Buddha Medicine—--
>>> The is a fully enlightened being. He is compassionate to all living beings. The Buddha of Medicine protects all living beings from physical and mental illnesses and other dangers. It helps to destroy the three main poisons that poison our minds and souls: attachment, hatred and ignorance. These three poisons are the source of all diseases and dangers.
In order to recover from some disease and keep the body in good condition, there is the practice of the Buddha of Medicine. Practice is based on the fact that you need to sing a special mantra of the Buddha of Medicine, while in a meditative state.
>>> For healing, the mantra is repeated 108 times. In this case, before the healed is a glass of water, which he then drinks. Thanks to the mantra, water is endowed with special power and begins to cure his illness. This practice is repeated daily until the disease is cured.
This practice helps the healer to develop the ability to see, which favorably affects the process of discovering the causes of the disease and the successful diagnosis. In addition, this mantra "heals" and the karma of a person. Regular practice leads to better karma and faster attainment of enlightenment.
The mantra is called the Mantra of Bhaishajyagur. Her words are:
"Teyata Om Bekandze-Bekandze Maha Bekandze Randze Samud Gate Soha".
>>> In the middle of this bead, only one threadlike strip passes, most often white. The remaining color of the beads is usually black or carnelian. The middle strip may be wider like a ribbon. In this case, the strip symbolizes wealth and ability to heal.
>>> Wide-band beads contribute to the greater comfort of its owner. A bead with a thin stripe in the middle is better for healing. This helps restore lost vital energy. To heal people, many healers use their energy. And to quickly restore it and maintain the health of the healer himself, they should use this bead of Dzi Medicine.
>>> Many people worry and feel guilty about not working so well to cope with their karma. This is not very productive. Guilt itself creates disease and increases karma. Dzi Buddha of Medicine helps to cope with such a non-constructive emotional state and work as much as possible to get rid of his karma, without feeling guilty for doing something wrong.
>>>The Dzi Medicine contributes to the return of joy, laughter and a sense of ease of being into the life its owner. This is primarily needed by healers. They restore health to people. And this must be done with a good mood and a pure mind. Therefore, the healer must be responsible for his life and make sure that he has everything good in life, so that nothing prevents him from fulfilling his very important mission. And the bead Dzi Medicine just can help him with this.
>>>If a person seeks to use the power of Dzi Medicine beads only to evade his direct duties or only for selfish purposes, then this can have the opposite effect and bring chaos to the life of such a person. He will also earn heavy karma.
>>> Before using the power of this Dzi, a person must be sure that he needs it, and not his ego. He must be sure that his heart is open and filled with life and love. Only for such people the Dzi Buddha of Medicine revealed in all his strength.
----------AUSPICIOUS CLOUD "Xiangyun" (祥云)----------
>>>Clouds, sometimes referred to as "auspicious clouds" (xiangyun 祥云), represent the heavens and also "good luck". Its form often resembles the auspicious shape of the LINGZHI "Fungus of Immortality".
-----LINGZHI (靈芝)-----
>>> In Chinese art, the lingzhi symbolizes great health and longevity, as depicted in the imperial Forbidden City and Summer Palace. It was a talisman for luck in the traditional culture of China, and the goddess of healing Guanyin is sometimes depicted holding a lingzhi mushroom.
>>>The sacred Fungus of Immortality, considered by the Daoist mystics as the food of the Immortals (xian). Symbol of longevity, since, when dry, it becomes extremely long lasting. It is used extensively in Chinese medicine. It was believed that lingzhi funguses grew in the abodes of the Immortals, the Three Islands of the Blest, and that whoever ate the sacred fungus attained immortality. Lingzhi funguses or decorative patterns or shapes possibly derived from them (i.e. clouds and ruyi scepters) are quite common in Chinese art.
-----Auspicious significance-----
>>>Clouds motifs is rooted in agrarian society culture of the Chinese people.  Clouds are associated with good luck as the cloud makes rain which moisten all things, and therefore, it brings good fortune to people.
>>>In Chinese language, clouds are called yun (云) which is a homonym for the Chinese character yun "good fortune" (运).
>>>Xiangyun are one of the most auspicious patterns used in China and have a very long history. Clouds motifs have appeared in China as early as the Shang dynasty and Eastern Zhou dynasty.  They are one of the oldest decorations and ornaments used in Chinese art, Chinese architecture, and Chinese textile.
----------BIRD DZI----------
>>> BIRD DZI is one of the most powerful talismans that helps in the implementation of communication. This talisman helps with all forms of written communication through texts, books, etc. BIRD DZI also favors the transmission of information and communication through speech and music.
>>> The drawing on BIRD DZI looks like a stylized performance of flying gulls. Typically, the pattern resembles three birds flying one above the other. The ends of the wings of the upper and lower birds are connected in the form of an arch. This is the main character on this Dzi, endowed with the power to improve any communication. Other symbols with their own meaning can also be present on the bead, which contribute their nuances to the energy and strength of a particular DZI.
>>> Since ancient times, birds have been used as messengers to transmit messages. It is believed that the birds depicted on this Dzi carry the messages of the owner and deliver them to heaven. Birds are some of the best singers on Earth, and they also symbolize music coming from heaven.
>>> Since the BIRD DZI helps in many types of communication, this bead will be useful as a strong talisman for people of the following specialties:
-To the speakers.
-To the musicians.
-To the announcers.
-To lecturers.
-To the artists.
-To the writers.
-To the teachers.
-To everyone who is involved in writing something, communicating to other people information through speech, texts and music.
>>> For people of creative professions, BIRD DZI will be useful in that it helps to "catch" a creative message from heaven in the form of pictures or music. This can be described as a visit to the muse. But you have to be careful. Since if a person has a weak psyche, such pictures and sounds can be perceived as hallucinations.
>>> BIRD DZI has a very strong male energy. It can be so much that it may be excessive for the owner of this bead. Therefore, you need to "get used" to wearing this Dzi. You can not vilify a lot, and then put it off for a while. It will also be good if you balance this Yang energy by wearing other Dzi beads with pronounced Yin energy.
>>> This imbalance of Yang energy is also dangerous in that it can give rise to excessive confidence in the owner of the bead Dzi bird. Such excessive self-confidence leads to arrogance and selfishness. And if Dzi is used to satisfy the ego of the bead owner, then this can lead to negative karma.
>>> But if the owner of the Dzi bead uses the bird with an open heart and uses it only to hear the heavens and comprehensively improve his communication, then communication is being established with the whole world. Karma improves and life becomes richer and more colorful.
>>> The Dzi bird bead is a great helper in the modern world, where you simply cannot do without information and good communication ability. Wear this Dzi, become more capable and sociable and your life will gain new colors, become joyful and happy.
----------DRAGON DZI----------
>>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities.
>>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength.
-----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads-----
>>>On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically.
>>>All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon.
Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious.
>>>Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious.
>>>Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life.
----------LOTUS DZI----------
>>> Dzi Lotus has the ability to clear the mind and soothe the heart. This leads to peace of mind and a clear consciousness. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes many things. But the main meaning of Dzi Lotus is spiritual disclosure and purity. This is the revelation of the true nature of a being, which is realized through enlightenment, compassion for all living beings and liberation from one’s passions.
>>> Lotus is a water flower. It begins to grow in the mud that has accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir - bottom mud. It grows in conditions in which other water lilies do not survive. The lotus actually grows out of the mud, and its flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth.
>>> The mission of the lotus flowers is to show us that beauty can grow and flourish even in the dirtiest conditions of existence. Beauty can be found anywhere. Dzi lotus flower helps its owner to create a perfect state of mind and a calm life.
-----Application Beads Lotus Dzi-----
>>> Lotus Dzi gives attractiveness, tranquility and spiritual purity. It cleanses the body and mind and improves human relationships. Bead Dzi two Lotuses maintains the integrity, tranquility and charisma of its owner. She also activates communication with people around him and strengthens his authority among them.
>>> The Dzi Lotus is very popular due to its protective properties against negative influences and all kinds of evil. It has a cleansing effect on the human psyche, helps to ensure safety and supports the body in a healthy state.
>>> This bead helps to clear the mind and psyche of all the negative that has accumulated in our consciousness over the course of many years and even lives. In addition to cleansing the mind and calming the mind, this bead cleanses our heart. In this case, the heart is filled with love and a person comes to a state of peace of mind. The Dzi Lotus Bead is recommended for those who have to make the right decisions and those who have chosen the path of self-improvement and strive for higher levels of awareness. It brings luck and wisdom to its owner.
>>> Lotus Dzi helps in spiritual purification, enlightens the mind and soothes the heart. A person gains a state of love, calmness and serenity. Feels a sense of joy and happiness. This bead protects us from everything negative and gives attractiveness to its owner.
>>> Dzi Lotus is a very good bead both for ordinary people who want to live a more peaceful and quiet life, and for spiritual seekers who seek to calm their mind and achieve enlightenment. Wear this bead and your life will become easier and more harmonious.
----------TREASURE VASE----------
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity.
>>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier.
>>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. Consider this Buddhist symbol in more detail.
-----Precious vase-----
>>> A precious vase or vessel of plenty is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. The precious vase symbolizes spiritual and material wealth, abundance and happiness. Its symbolic meaning is almost always associated with the accumulation and satisfaction of material wealth. In many cultures, there is a similar concept of an inexhaustible vessel that provides wealth.
>>> There are two aspects to the operation of this precious vase of plenty - external and internal. The external aspect is expressed in the filling of this vase with various valuable substances: gold, silver, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, agate, onyx, pearls, crystal and turquoise. It may also contain food in the form of grains of rice, peas, lentils, etc. The vase is filled to the brim. And if something is taken out of it, then it is filled again.
>>> The inner nature of the precious vase of plenty is the heavenly palace in which, along with other Bodhisattva beings of compassion and the supreme god of wealth, live. This secret aspect of the vessel of plenty makes the owner of such a vase content and happy. Also, this vase helps protect against all kinds of evil and brings good to the life of its owner.
>>> In order to attract wealth into their home, vases of plenty filled with precious and sacred substances are usually placed on the altars. Also, such vases can be buried on mountain passes, under flowing water, or simply somewhere in the area of ​​your home. The presence of such a talisman attracts wealth and at the same time does not violate harmony with the world. In relation to Buddhism, this means the spiritual abundance of the Buddha. These are inexhaustible treasures, the number of which does not decrease, no matter how much he gives them to people.
-----Description and use of Dzi nectar beads-----
>>> On a Dzi bead a nectar vessel of plenty is drawn a vessel in the form of a heart with a cross extending from it. In the vessel itself, quite often, an image in the form of a heart is also drawn. It turns out two hearts embedded in each other. Such Dzi longevity can prevent the occurrence of disease. There are beads with one vessel of the heart.
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty prevents death from accidents, improves the strengths of the individual and helps its owner to achieve wealth and longevity. Dzi a vessel of plenty contributes to the acquisition of those things that delight the eye and soul. Thanks to the Dzi of plenty, you can find “milk rivers and jelly banks,” that is, get into a country of plenty.
All the things you only dreamed about could be yours if you have a Dzi bead of nectar-filled abundance. This Tibetan talisman helps to open doors previously closed for you and makes your life easier and more enjoyable. Dzi bead of longevity provides good health and helps to develop charisma, which helps to influence people and achieve a good position in society.
>>> Carrying a Dzi nectar vessel of plenty provides the best safety of its owner, prevents misfortunes and improves virtues. Dzi abundance improves the quality of life, protects against loss and gives harmony in life. It contributes to enrichment and prosperity.
>>> Dzi longevity helps to find good health and promotes longevity. This is a very good Dzi for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to have it in your set of Tibetan beads Dzi. It is also a great gift for friends and family.
>>> We all want to become healthier, wealthier and live longer. Dzi fertility vessel helps with this. Wear this Tibetan mascot and become more successful and happy!
----------DZI 5 EYES----------
-Dzi bead 5 eyes with Lightning-
>>> Other symbols are usually found on the Dzi lightning bead. The most common Dzi bead is a mystical knot with lightning. It is one of the forms of a bead of 5 eyes Dzi and it is often called Dzi 5 eyes with lightning.
>>> Dzi lightning bead and mystical knot combine the power of the symbol of lightning and Dzi 5 eyes. Tibetan bead Dzi 5 eyes with lightning is a powerful talisman that helps to get everything that its owner wants. It brings lightning-fast success in various areas of life.
>>> Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman of wealth, which helps its owner to obtain material benefits. It gives good luck in business, attracts money, attracts responsive people and contributes to making money profit from multiple sources of income. And the symbol of lightning in this Dzi helps to overcome the effects of negative forces, eliminates obstacles.
>>> Dzi bead 5 eyes with lightning help to make a successful career, helps to increase intelligence and educational level. Possession of this Dzi brings joy and helps to achieve success in what has long been conceived and previously could not be done.
>>> The main action of the Dzi lightning beads is the destruction of ignorance. This ignorance is manifested in many areas and in all planes of being. Everything that is bad happens to a person, all suffering and pain, comes from ignorance.
Wear this Dzi, free yourself from ignorance, acquire knowledge and your life will become easier and better. Thanks to this Dzi, the fog of ignorance and clouds of ignorance will dissipate and you will gain true knowledge, enlightenment and happiness.
>>> Dzi 5-eyed bead is one of the most mysterious beads. It gives wisdom, prosperity, prolongs life and brings many other benefits. This blessing comes from 5 Dhyani Buddhas. She helps her owner to get what he wants and brings great happiness.
>>> Dhyani-Buddha, in Mahayana Buddhism, and particularly in Vajrayana (Tantric) Buddhism, any of a group of five “self-born” celestial buddhas who have always existed from the beginning of time. The five are usually identified as Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi.
>>> The five are almost identically represented in art, all dressed in monastic garments, seated with folded legs, with the same hairdress and long-lobed ears, but are distinguished by characteristic colours, symbols, poses of hands, and the directions they face. The five eternal Buddhas are correlated to other groups of five, so that the entire cosmos is seen as divided between them and as emanating from them. Thus, each represents one of the five skandhas, or mental and physical aggregates that make up the whole of cosmic as well as individual existence.

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