Nr. 85001547

4 GAMLE "Cinnabar Vein" DZI (43mm) 2/3/4/5 Eyes - Blessed by Monk + Calligraphy- 45 g
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4 GAMLE "Cinnabar Vein" DZI (43mm) 2/3/4/5 Eyes - Blessed by Monk + Calligraphy- 45 g

MARCH 2024 CEREMONY: ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------CINNABAR DZI (珠砂天珠)---------- >>> The cinnabar spots on Dzi beads are ferric oxide, which was resulted from the iron being exposed to the air for a long time and gradually developing its marks throughout the pores of raw materials from the inside out. >>> Cinnabar dots occur when mercury and sulfur are present during the formation of agate. Mercuric sulfide, also known as cinnabar, is produced when mercury reacts with sulfur. In its purest form, cinnabar is a deep red color and is used to make vermilion pigment. However, it's rare to find it in its purest form in agate, as other materials are usually present, resulting in slight variations in its redness. Some of the cinnabar spots are light brown, orange in color and some are dark red. >>>Through the 10-times, 20-times or above magnifying glasses we can easily see the round red spots, which are the so-called cinnabar spots. Some cinnabar spots can be seen by the naked eye. The cinnabar spots on Dzi beads are naturally developed, growing from the inside of the mineral to the outside through the pores, and they do not just cover the bead surface. >>> Finally, we would like to once again emphasize that the cinnabar spots are not artificially created. As compared with normal Dzi beads, Dzi with cinnabar spots are rare, and are therefore so valuable and precious. >>> Any Dzi beads with rich distributed cinnabar spots is very unique and rare, let alone a Dzi Beads with rich cinnabar spots and fine appearance and quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DZI 2 EYES---------- >>> DZI 2 EYES​ is a talisman for those who are looking for love, their soul mate to start a family or want to strengthen their relationship. The two-eyed Dzi bead helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. Additionally, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person wiser. >>> Basically, this Tibetan bead is worn by people who seek to find marital harmony and family happiness. If you want to create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind in a marital relationship, and also establish good relationships with others, then the 2-eyed Tibetan Dzi bead is the best option for this. -Two eyed Dzi bead as yin yang concept- >>> The two-eyed Dzi bead personifies one of the most global foundations of this universe - the harmonious existence of a dual world around us or the Yin-Yang concept. Our world is dual, the concept of Yin and Yang reflects all relationships in this world. Ideally, all these relationships should be balanced, harmonious and complement each other, not counteract each other. -The concept of Yang is represented by light or day, activity, movement, rigidity and strength. This is masculine energy. -The concept of Yin symbolizes darkness, softness, flexibility, stationary energy, silence. This is feminine energy. >>> A Dzi bead of 2 eyes is used to create a balance between these two energies. It balances them and improves stability. This is especially important for creating harmony in family relationships. Additionally, this pearl helps create the right balance between a person's thinking and action, which is the most favorable way to achieve career goals. Moreover, this balance is expressed in wiser decisions and actions that lead to the goal. -Popularity in Tibet- >>>Dzi 2 eyes is very popular in Tibet, because Tibetans believe that the essence of the Bodhisattva is embodied in this Dzi (a creature which consciously incarnates on Earth to help everyone live there to escape the chain of rebirths and achieve Enlightenment). Bodhisattvas help people escape from the suffering of this world and become free from all negative karma. >>> The meaning of the Tibetan Dzi 2 eyes bead reflects the very nature of the Bodhisattva. It helps to emerge from the contradictions of this dual world and to achieve unity. This property manifests itself not only in the harmonization of relationships between men and women, but also in other earthly affairs. Therefore, the cord of 2 eyes of Dzi regulates the relationship between people and even between one's own mind and its manifestations in life, expressed in our actions. This is precisely the quality of wisdom that this Dzi bead gives, creating an optimal balance between our aspirations, our emotions and our common sense. How to Wear a 2 Eye Dzi Bead Based on the above, pearl is widely used in the following cases: -To find love and start a family -To maintain good marital relations -To improve relationships with others -Resolve any conflict situation peacefully -Harmonize friendly and working relationships -To become wiser -To harmonize your life in all its aspects and gain stability and balance -To start a new relationship, they recommend wearing a two-eyed Dzi bead for 2 weeks continuously. It may take longer. Creating and developing harmonious relationships is one of the most difficult life goals. >>> If you already have a family and disagreements have arisen, a will help you in this case. Wear it periodically to improve your relationship. It helps to awaken feelings of drowsiness, warm up old passions, harmonize masculine and feminine energy and bring balance and stability to family relationships. For other tasks, this bead is well suited both on its own and complemented with other beads that help in one or another aspect of life. Even if your main goal is to create a family, you may need to strengthen some of your qualities for its implementation. Look out for these Tibetan Dzi beads that will help you with this. Remember that Tibetan Dzi beads only help in certain moments of life. But we are all unique and everyone has their own destiny. Therefore, if you have any problem or you have any goal in life, Dzi beads will be of great help to you. You may have to work on yourself to achieve what you want, but the help that Tibetan Dzi beads give us is a good help in life and a good guide. is one of the main pearls used to create and maintain good relationships. Therefore, if you have such a task, take it in the form of a pendant, bracelet or necklace. It is beautiful and will help you find harmony. ----------DZI 3 EYES---------- >>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth. -----KUBERA - the god of wealth----- >>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones. >>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god. -----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads----- >>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket. >>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera. >>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”. >>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved. >>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity. ----------DZI 4 EYES---------- >>> DZI 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths. >>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas. -----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads----- The is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas: -Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom -Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love -Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence -Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead , which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them. >>> Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity. >>> Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig. In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world." >>> Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left. >>> Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism. In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha. -----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes----- >>> The is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal. Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity. >>> The four-eyed is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage. >>> All these qualities possessed by the , together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation. ----------DZI 5 EYES---------- >>> The 5-eyed Dzi bead is a talisman of wealth. The 5 eyes of Dzi represent the five gods of wealth who bring wealth to human life in many ways. Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman that brings the owner more money, good luck in business, leads to wealth, prosperity and longevity. Therefore, it is ideally suited for those seeking monetary gain, including earning multiple sources of income. -Five gods of wealth- >>> The gods of wealth are different aspects of Dzambala - the god of wealth and prosperity. These incarnations of Dzambala bring wealth in many ways. Consider the five areas of wealth. -Green Dzambala. Promotes success, fulfillment of desires, enrichment. Helps eradicate bad signs and other obstacles to wealth. This god is the main one of the 5 gods of wealth. -White Dzambala. Eliminates illness and suffering, helps get rid of poverty and karmic misconduct. Prevents disasters and contributes to the accumulation of wealth. -Yellow Dzambala. Promotes luck, increases wisdom, virtues and longevity. Increases intelligence, contributes to the receipt of material and spiritual wealth. -Red Dzambala. It gives a high social position, can help harmonize family relationships. It also helps to increase the amount of money, valuables and products. -Black Dzambala. Eliminates grievances, prevents theft, fraud and other obstacles that interfere with receiving benefits in certain types of money matters. In addition to helping to acquire wealth, the 5-Eyed Dzi Bead helps to acquire wisdom, happiness and prosperity in all areas of life. The 5-eyed Dzi symbolizes the five Dhyani Buddhas. They are not different Buddhas, they are 5 qualities of wisdom. Five types of wisdom -Comprehensive wisdom - the ability to know the truth, reality and its laws. -Mirror wisdom is the ability to perceive the world not being attached to things, but like a mirror, only reflecting everything that happens in it. -The wisdom of equality is the same attitude towards everything, paying equal attention to all things and phenomena. -The wisdom of discrimination is the ability to analyze, distinguish things and phenomena from each other, but at the same time see a holistic picture of the world. -The wisdom of achievement is the ability to accumulate experience and act on the basis of it, knowing how to act. >>> Through such a complete and deep immersion in the aspects of wisdom, the 5 Eye Dzi Bead is one of the strongest Tibetan beads for acquiring this important quality. -Different variations of Dzi 5 eyes- >>> There are several versions of Dzi 5 eyes. For example, a 5 eye Dzi bead with lightning bolt. It is believed that lightning destroys ignorance. By destroying it, it opens up a field of knowledge that the owner of such a pearl can easily acquire and learn. The meanings of these Dzi bead designs are slightly different from the classic 5-eyed Dzi beads. >>> The 5-eyed Dzi bead is one of the most mysterious beads. It gives wisdom, prosperity, prolongs life and brings many other benefits. This blessing comes from 5 Dhyani Buddhas. She helps her owner get what he wants and brings great happiness.

Nr. 85001547

4 GAMLE "Cinnabar Vein" DZI (43mm) 2/3/4/5 Eyes - Blessed by Monk + Calligraphy- 45 g

4 GAMLE "Cinnabar Vein" DZI (43mm) 2/3/4/5 Eyes - Blessed by Monk + Calligraphy- 45 g

>>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
----------CINNABAR DZI (珠砂天珠)----------
>>> The cinnabar spots on Dzi beads are ferric oxide, which was resulted from the iron being exposed to the air for a long time and gradually developing its marks throughout the pores of raw materials from the inside out.
>>> Cinnabar dots occur when mercury and sulfur are present during the formation of agate. Mercuric sulfide, also known as cinnabar, is produced when mercury reacts with sulfur. In its purest form, cinnabar is a deep red color and is used to make vermilion pigment. However, it's rare to find it in its purest form in agate, as other materials are usually present, resulting in slight variations in its redness. Some of the cinnabar spots are light brown, orange in color and some are dark red.
>>>Through the 10-times, 20-times or above magnifying glasses we can easily see the round red spots, which are the so-called cinnabar spots. Some cinnabar spots can be seen by the naked eye. The cinnabar spots on Dzi beads are naturally developed, growing from the inside of the mineral to the outside through the pores, and they do not just cover the bead surface.
>>> Finally, we would like to once again emphasize that the cinnabar spots are not artificially created.
As compared with normal Dzi beads, Dzi with cinnabar spots are rare, and are therefore so valuable and precious.
>>> Any Dzi beads with rich distributed cinnabar spots is very unique and rare, let alone a Dzi Beads with rich cinnabar spots and fine appearance and quality.
----------DZI 2 EYES----------
>>> DZI 2 EYES​ is a talisman for those who are looking for love, their soul mate to start a family or want to strengthen their relationship. The two-eyed Dzi bead helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. Additionally, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person wiser.
>>> Basically, this Tibetan bead is worn by people who seek to find marital harmony and family happiness. If you want to create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind in a marital relationship, and also establish good relationships with others, then the 2-eyed Tibetan Dzi bead is the best option for this.
-Two eyed Dzi bead as yin yang concept-
>>> The two-eyed Dzi bead personifies one of the most global foundations of this universe - the harmonious existence of a dual world around us or the Yin-Yang concept. Our world is dual, the concept of Yin and Yang reflects all relationships in this world. Ideally, all these relationships should be balanced, harmonious and complement each other, not counteract each other.
-The concept of Yang is represented by light or day, activity, movement, rigidity and strength. This is masculine energy.
-The concept of Yin symbolizes darkness, softness, flexibility, stationary energy, silence. This is feminine energy.
>>> A Dzi bead of 2 eyes is used to create a balance between these two energies. It balances them and improves stability. This is especially important for creating harmony in family relationships. Additionally, this pearl helps create the right balance between a person's thinking and action, which is the most favorable way to achieve career goals. Moreover, this balance is expressed in wiser decisions and actions that lead to the goal.
-Popularity in Tibet-
>>>Dzi 2 eyes is very popular in Tibet, because Tibetans believe that the essence of the Bodhisattva is embodied in this Dzi (a creature which consciously incarnates on Earth to help everyone live there to escape the chain of rebirths and achieve Enlightenment). Bodhisattvas help people escape from the suffering of this world and become free from all negative karma.
>>> The meaning of the Tibetan Dzi 2 eyes bead reflects the very nature of the Bodhisattva. It helps to emerge from the contradictions of this dual world and to achieve unity. This property manifests itself not only in the harmonization of relationships between men and women, but also in other earthly affairs. Therefore, the cord of 2 eyes of Dzi regulates the relationship between people and even between one's own mind and its manifestations in life, expressed in our actions. This is precisely the quality of wisdom that this Dzi bead gives, creating an optimal balance between our aspirations, our emotions and our common sense.
How to Wear a 2 Eye Dzi Bead
Based on the above, pearl is widely used in the following cases:
-To find love and start a family
-To maintain good marital relations
-To improve relationships with others
-Resolve any conflict situation peacefully
-Harmonize friendly and working relationships
-To become wiser
-To harmonize your life in all its aspects and gain stability and balance
-To start a new relationship, they recommend wearing a two-eyed Dzi bead for 2 weeks continuously. It may take longer. Creating and developing harmonious relationships is one of the most difficult life goals.
>>> If you already have a family and disagreements have arisen, a will help you in this case. Wear it periodically to improve your relationship. It helps to awaken feelings of drowsiness, warm up old passions, harmonize masculine and feminine energy and bring balance and stability to family relationships.
For other tasks, this bead is well suited both on its own and complemented with other beads that help in one or another aspect of life. Even if your main goal is to create a family, you may need to strengthen some of your qualities for its implementation. Look out for these Tibetan Dzi beads that will help you with this.
Remember that Tibetan Dzi beads only help in certain moments of life. But we are all unique and everyone has their own destiny. Therefore, if you have any problem or you have any goal in life, Dzi beads will be of great help to you. You may have to work on yourself to achieve what you want, but the help that Tibetan Dzi beads give us is a good help in life and a good guide.
is one of the main pearls used to create and maintain good relationships. Therefore, if you have such a task, take it in the form of a pendant, bracelet or necklace. It is beautiful and will help you find harmony.

----------DZI 3 EYES----------
>>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth.
-----KUBERA - the god of wealth-----
>>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones.
>>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god.
-----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads-----
>>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket.
>>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera.
>>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”.
>>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved.
>>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity.

----------DZI 4 EYES----------
>>> DZI 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths.
>>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas.
-----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads-----
The is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas:
-Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom
-Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love
-Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence
-Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness
To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead , which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them.
>>> Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity.
>>> Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig.
In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world."
>>> Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left.
>>> Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism.
In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha.
-----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes-----
>>> The is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal.
Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity.
>>> The four-eyed is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage.
>>> All these qualities possessed by the , together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation.

----------DZI 5 EYES----------
>>> The 5-eyed Dzi bead is a talisman of wealth. The 5 eyes of Dzi represent the five gods of wealth who bring wealth to human life in many ways. Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman that brings the owner more money, good luck in business, leads to wealth, prosperity and longevity. Therefore, it is ideally suited for those seeking monetary gain, including earning multiple sources of income.
-Five gods of wealth-
>>> The gods of wealth are different aspects of Dzambala - the god of wealth and prosperity. These incarnations of Dzambala bring wealth in many ways. Consider the five areas of wealth.
-Green Dzambala. Promotes success, fulfillment of desires, enrichment. Helps eradicate bad signs and other obstacles to wealth. This god is the main one of the 5 gods of wealth.
-White Dzambala. Eliminates illness and suffering, helps get rid of poverty and karmic misconduct. Prevents disasters and contributes to the accumulation of wealth.
-Yellow Dzambala. Promotes luck, increases wisdom, virtues and longevity. Increases intelligence, contributes to the receipt of material and spiritual wealth.
-Red Dzambala. It gives a high social position, can help harmonize family relationships. It also helps to increase the amount of money, valuables and products.
-Black Dzambala. Eliminates grievances, prevents theft, fraud and other obstacles that interfere with receiving benefits in certain types of money matters.
In addition to helping to acquire wealth, the 5-Eyed Dzi Bead helps to acquire wisdom, happiness and prosperity in all areas of life. The 5-eyed Dzi symbolizes the five Dhyani Buddhas. They are not different Buddhas, they are 5 qualities of wisdom.
Five types of wisdom
-Comprehensive wisdom - the ability to know the truth, reality and its laws.
-Mirror wisdom is the ability to perceive the world not being attached to things, but like a mirror, only reflecting everything that happens in it.
-The wisdom of equality is the same attitude towards everything, paying equal attention to all things and phenomena.
-The wisdom of discrimination is the ability to analyze, distinguish things and phenomena from each other, but at the same time see a holistic picture of the world.
-The wisdom of achievement is the ability to accumulate experience and act on the basis of it, knowing how to act.
>>> Through such a complete and deep immersion in the aspects of wisdom, the 5 Eye Dzi Bead is one of the strongest Tibetan beads for acquiring this important quality.
-Different variations of Dzi 5 eyes-
>>> There are several versions of Dzi 5 eyes. For example, a 5 eye Dzi bead with lightning bolt. It is believed that lightning destroys ignorance. By destroying it, it opens up a field of knowledge that the owner of such a pearl can easily acquire and learn. The meanings of these Dzi bead designs are slightly different from the classic 5-eyed Dzi beads.
>>> The 5-eyed Dzi bead is one of the most mysterious beads. It gives wisdom, prosperity, prolongs life and brings many other benefits. This blessing comes from 5 Dhyani Buddhas. She helps her owner get what he wants and brings great happiness.

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