Nr. 84455183

Victor Collin - Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient. (Guerre Internationale De 1900-1901) - 1901
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Victor Collin - Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient. (Guerre Internationale De 1900-1901) - 1901

Collin, Victor. Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient. (Guerre Internationale De 1900-1901). Anvers [Antwerp]: C. De Cauwer, 1901. 379 pages. 379, viii p.. Series: Édition du “MATIN” (Illustrée). First Edition, First Impression. 22 cm. "Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient" is a detailed account of the International conflict in the Far East during 1900-1901, often referred to as the Boxer Rebellion. Published in Antwerp by C. De Cauwer in 1901, this first edition, first impression, captures the events and experiences of this tumultuous period through the lens of a Belgian journalist. Spanning 379 pages with an additional eight pages of introductory material, the book provides a comprehensive narrative of the international conflict in the Far East. Collin's reportage covers various aspects of the war, including military campaigns, political maneuvers, and personal stories from the front lines. The book is part of the "Édition du ‘MATIN’" series and is illustrated, adding a visual dimension to the written account. Victor Collin was a Belgian journalist known for his insightful and detailed reportage. His works often provided a vivid account of contemporary events, offering readers a first-hand perspective on global happenings. Collin's journalistic style combined thorough research with engaging narrative, making his reports valuable both as historical documents and as compelling reads.

Nr. 84455183

Victor Collin - Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient. (Guerre Internationale De 1900-1901) - 1901

Victor Collin - Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient. (Guerre Internationale De 1900-1901) - 1901

Collin, Victor. Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient. (Guerre Internationale De 1900-1901). Anvers [Antwerp]: C. De Cauwer, 1901. 379 pages. 379, viii p.. Series: Édition du “MATIN” (Illustrée). First Edition, First Impression. 22 cm.

"Un Reportage Belge En Extrême Orient" is a detailed account of the International conflict in the Far East during 1900-1901, often referred to as the Boxer Rebellion. Published in Antwerp by C. De Cauwer in 1901, this first edition, first impression, captures the events and experiences of this tumultuous period through the lens of a Belgian journalist.

Spanning 379 pages with an additional eight pages of introductory material, the book provides a comprehensive narrative of the international conflict in the Far East. Collin's reportage covers various aspects of the war, including military campaigns, political maneuvers, and personal stories from the front lines. The book is part of the "Édition du ‘MATIN’" series and is illustrated, adding a visual dimension to the written account.

Victor Collin was a Belgian journalist known for his insightful and detailed reportage. His works often provided a vivid account of contemporary events, offering readers a first-hand perspective on global happenings. Collin's journalistic style combined thorough research with engaging narrative, making his reports valuable both as historical documents and as compelling reads.

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