Nr. 81235139

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Islamisk Bronse - Bronse Talam - Sentral-Java - (tilbyr rett) ca 8. til 10. århundre (ex Christies) - 5 cm
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16 uker siden

Islamisk Bronse - Bronse Talam - Sentral-Java - (tilbyr rett) ca 8. til 10. århundre (ex Christies) - 5 cm

A Central Javanese bronze offering dish, talam. Circa 8-10th Century Of circular shape with flaring rim, engraved with a central roundel of stylised flowers, some wear. 54 cm. diam These trays, once known as tahas in the archaic Javanese tongue, have been bequeathed to modern times as talam in both Javanese and Indonesian. Interestingly enough, both terms owe their origins to the Tamil word tattam, which is a similar utensil. Archaeological discoveries of closely related fragmentary examples from the Cirebon shipwreck have procicely dated this type to the 8th to 10th century. The traditions and customs of Hindu Java were maintained for centuries in the Hindu-Buddhist centres Central and East Java until the arrival of Islam in the 15th century.

Nr. 81235139

Ikke lenger tilgjengelig
Islamisk Bronse - Bronse Talam - Sentral-Java - (tilbyr rett) ca 8. til 10. århundre (ex Christies) - 5 cm

Islamisk Bronse - Bronse Talam - Sentral-Java - (tilbyr rett) ca 8. til 10. århundre (ex Christies) - 5 cm

A Central Javanese bronze offering dish, talam.
Circa 8-10th Century
Of circular shape with flaring rim, engraved with a central roundel of stylised flowers, some wear.
54 cm. diam

These trays, once known as tahas in the archaic Javanese tongue, have been bequeathed to modern times as talam in both Javanese and Indonesian. Interestingly enough, both terms owe their origins to the Tamil word tattam, which is a similar utensil.

Archaeological discoveries of closely related fragmentary examples from the Cirebon shipwreck have procicely dated this type to the 8th to 10th century. The traditions and customs of Hindu Java were maintained for centuries in the Hindu-Buddhist centres Central and East Java until the arrival of Islam in the 15th century.

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