Nr. 81070801

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Oldtidens Hellas, mykensk Kvinnefigur med slør - TL-test. Høy kvalitet - 12 cm
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14 uker siden

Oldtidens Hellas, mykensk Kvinnefigur med slør - TL-test. Høy kvalitet - 12 cm

Superb greek female figure wearing a veil, in terracotta from the 4th - 3rd century B.C, Along with TL test. Acquired from a Belgium private collection, G.B in the 80's. The piece includes authenticity certificate. The piece is in process of obtaining a Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union). This process can take between 2 and 4 weeks. IMPORTANT: For destinations out of European territory: all our items will be shipped after obtaining a definitive LICENSE EXPORTATION by the Ministry of Culture of Spain. We inform our clients that it may take between 4-8 weeks. According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subjected to export taxes. The taxes will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it: Up to 6,000 euros: 5%. / From 6.001 to 60.000 euros: 10 %. #ExclusiveCabinetofCuriosities

Nr. 81070801

Ikke lenger tilgjengelig
Oldtidens Hellas, mykensk Kvinnefigur med slør - TL-test. Høy kvalitet - 12 cm

Oldtidens Hellas, mykensk Kvinnefigur med slør - TL-test. Høy kvalitet - 12 cm

Superb greek female figure wearing a veil, in terracotta from the 4th - 3rd century B.C, Along with TL test.

Acquired from a Belgium private collection, G.B in the 80's.

The piece includes authenticity certificate.
The piece is in process of obtaining a Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union). This process can take between 2 and 4 weeks.

IMPORTANT: For destinations out of European territory: all our items will be shipped after obtaining a definitive LICENSE EXPORTATION by the Ministry of Culture of Spain. We inform our clients that it may take between 4-8 weeks. According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subjected to export taxes. The taxes will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
Up to 6,000 euros: 5%. / From 6.001 to 60.000 euros: 10 %.

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