Nr. 78486973

Verenigde Staten van Amerika - RARE!!! US Army Manual ''Improvised Ammunitions handbook'' - Boobytraps - Airborne - Ranger - Special Forces - Tunnel Rats - 1969
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102 €
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Verenigde Staten van Amerika - RARE!!! US Army Manual ''Improvised Ammunitions handbook'' - Boobytraps - Airborne - Ranger - Special Forces - Tunnel Rats - 1969

Rare difficult to find and official classified US Army Manual 'Improvised munitions handbook'' or FM31-210, dated 1969 and published at the high of the Vietnam War, with over 250 pages! Highly interesting, extensive manual describing boobt traps, improvised explosives and unconventional warfare. It is famous from use in the vietnam war, see history below. Such manuals would be carried by special units and were at heart of the vietnam operations (see history below). A must-have for the US Vietnam collector, great and difficult to find manual! See also our other interesting WW2 items that we offer for auction on catawiki! The TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook is a 256 pages United States Army technical manual intended for the United States Army Special Forces. It was first published in 1969 by the Department of the Army. Like many other U.S. military manuals[1] dealing with improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and unconventional warfare, it was declassified and released into the public domain as a result of provisions such as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and is now freely available to the public in both electronic and printed formats. The manual describes the manufacture of various types of ordnances from readily available materials, from junk piles, common household chemicals and supplies purchased from regular stores. The manual is one of the best official references on improvised explosive devices (IEDs) manufacturing, and some of the weapons described in it have been used against U.S. troops by foreign troops. For example, the hand-grenade-in-a-can trap was used against U.S. troops in Vietnam, and the water-in-a-bucket timer was used by Afghan guerrillas to launch rockets against U.S. military bases.

Nr. 78486973

Verenigde Staten van Amerika - RARE!!! US Army Manual ''Improvised Ammunitions handbook'' - Boobytraps - Airborne - Ranger - Special Forces - Tunnel Rats - 1969

Verenigde Staten van Amerika - RARE!!! US Army Manual ''Improvised Ammunitions handbook'' - Boobytraps - Airborne - Ranger - Special Forces - Tunnel Rats - 1969

Rare difficult to find and official classified US Army Manual 'Improvised munitions handbook'' or FM31-210, dated 1969 and published at the high of the Vietnam War, with over 250 pages! Highly interesting, extensive manual describing boobt traps, improvised explosives and unconventional warfare. It is famous from use in the vietnam war, see history below. Such manuals would be carried by special units and were at heart of the vietnam operations (see history below).

A must-have for the US Vietnam collector, great and difficult to find manual!

See also our other interesting WW2 items that we offer for auction on catawiki!

The TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook is a 256 pages United States Army technical manual intended for the United States Army Special Forces. It was first published in 1969 by the Department of the Army. Like many other U.S. military manuals[1] dealing with improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and unconventional warfare, it was declassified and released into the public domain as a result of provisions such as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and is now freely available to the public in both electronic and printed formats.

The manual describes the manufacture of various types of ordnances from readily available materials, from junk piles, common household chemicals and supplies purchased from regular stores.

The manual is one of the best official references on improvised explosive devices (IEDs) manufacturing, and some of the weapons described in it have been used against U.S. troops by foreign troops. For example, the hand-grenade-in-a-can trap was used against U.S. troops in Vietnam, and the water-in-a-bucket timer was used by Afghan guerrillas to launch rockets against U.S. military bases.

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