Nr. 77701827

Praktiflex 1st generation-4th change- 12th model + Victar 2,9/5cm - M40 Analogt kamera
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93 €
29 uker siden

Praktiflex 1st generation-4th change- 12th model + Victar 2,9/5cm - M40 Analogt kamera

The Praktiflex 35mm SLR film camera was launched in 1939 by the Kamera-Werkstätten AG, Dresden-Niedersedlitz. Despite the fact that the design is quite crude, it forms the pattern along which virtually every subsequent 35mm SLR camera is built, regardless of its place of origin. The highly regarded 35mm SLR Kine Exakta, from Ihagee in Dresden, which preceded it by some three years, is extremely complicated by comparison, and although it offers the same features, it is built very differently. The Praktiflex has a 40mm screw lens mount, while the later Praktica models, after World War II when the factory was part of the VEB Pentacon, use the 42mm screw mount. Praktiflex, 1st generation-4th change- 12th model see: Lens: Victar < 1:2.9 F = 5 cm *Anastigmatic ------------------- The object in this auction is sold "as is". If an object has not been tested, the risk of the object not functioning lies with the buyer. This means that no claim can be made after the sale regarding the functionality of the object unless it does not correspond to the description below/above.

Nr. 77701827

Praktiflex 1st generation-4th change- 12th model + Victar 2,9/5cm - M40 Analogt kamera

Praktiflex 1st generation-4th change- 12th model + Victar 2,9/5cm - M40 Analogt kamera

The Praktiflex 35mm SLR film camera was launched in 1939 by the Kamera-Werkstätten AG, Dresden-Niedersedlitz. Despite the fact that the design is quite crude, it forms the pattern along which virtually every subsequent 35mm SLR camera is built, regardless of its place of origin. The highly regarded 35mm SLR Kine Exakta, from Ihagee in Dresden, which preceded it by some three years, is extremely complicated by comparison, and although it offers the same features, it is built very differently. The Praktiflex has a 40mm screw lens mount, while the later Praktica models, after World War II when the factory was part of the VEB Pentacon, use the 42mm screw mount.
Praktiflex, 1st generation-4th change- 12th model see:
Lens: Victar < 1:2.9 F = 5 cm *Anastigmatic
The object in this auction is sold "as is". If an object has not been tested, the risk of the object not functioning lies with the buyer. This means that no claim can be made after the sale regarding the functionality of the object unless it does not correspond to the description below/above.

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