Nr. 77239501

Louis Haghe (1806-1885) after painting David Roberts (1796-1864) - Lithography - Ruins of Erment, Ancient Hermont - Egyptian Architecture
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Louis Haghe (1806-1885) after painting David Roberts (1796-1864) - Lithography - Ruins of Erment, Ancient Hermont - Egyptian Architecture

This exquisite lithograph is an original tinted lithograph by Louis Haghe after painting David Roberts. David Roberts, as the first independent and professional British artist to extensively travel the Near East, collected an extensive array of sketches during his 1838-1839 tour, including a panoramic depiction of Cairo and three complete sketchbooks. These served as the foundation for the large lithographs executed by Louis Haghe for "The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia," which was published between 1842 and 1849. This groundbreaking publication marked a significant milestone as no previous work had presented such a comprehensive series of views, encompassing monuments, landscapes, and the vibrant people of the Near East. Below the artwork itself, there is the name of the publishing house and the date of publication. There is no text the reverse side. This is an original print, not a modern reproduction. Size: 40 cm x 59 cm Technique: Lithography Date: 1848 Artist: Louis Haghe after painting David Roberts Place: London, England *We provide a Certificate of Authenticity upon request. This Item is professionally protected by handmade packing.

Nr. 77239501

Louis Haghe (1806-1885) after painting David Roberts (1796-1864) - Lithography - Ruins of Erment, Ancient Hermont - Egyptian Architecture

Louis Haghe (1806-1885) after painting David Roberts (1796-1864) - Lithography - Ruins of Erment, Ancient Hermont - Egyptian Architecture

This exquisite lithograph is an original tinted lithograph by Louis Haghe after painting David Roberts. David Roberts, as the first independent and professional British artist to extensively travel the Near East, collected an extensive array of sketches during his 1838-1839 tour, including a panoramic depiction of Cairo and three complete sketchbooks. These served as the foundation for the large lithographs executed by Louis Haghe for "The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia," which was published between 1842 and 1849. This groundbreaking publication marked a significant milestone as no previous work had presented such a comprehensive series of views, encompassing monuments, landscapes, and the vibrant people of the Near East. Below the artwork itself, there is the name of the publishing house and the date of publication. There is no text the reverse side. This is an original print, not a modern reproduction.

Size: 40 cm x 59 cm
Technique: Lithography
Date: 1848
Artist: Louis Haghe after painting David Roberts
Place: London, England
*We provide a Certificate of Authenticity upon request.

This Item is professionally protected by handmade packing.

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