Black and white photography possesses a timeless quality which connects us to a rich history of photographic masters who used the medium to create iconic and enduring images. Without the distraction of colour, the essence of a subject is revealed, allowing a greater focus on its underlying emotional content and narrative. This abstraction invites us to project our own experiences and interpretations onto the images, fostering a deeper connection between the artwork and the viewer.

From the masterful compositions of Ansel Adams and the haunting portraits of Diane Arbus to the contemporary photographers of the present day, black and white photography continues to make an indelible mark on the art world. Its ability to transcend time and evoke a sense of nostalgia is unparalleled, making it a medium that remains relevant and captivating. Arkadiy Kurta's beautiful photographs are the natural heirs to this laudable tradition.

Chromogenic print on Fuji Crystal Archive matt paper

Paper Size - 15" x 12" (38 x 30 cm)
Image Size - 12½" x 10" (32 x 25 cm)
Image Date - 2016
Print Date - August 2018
Catalogue - AK021FU
Condition - Mint

Signed in the plate
Numbered gallery stamp
Title below image
Certificate of Print Authenticity

Ships in a large PVC tube

De verkoper stelt zich voor

A Sanctuary of Visionary Art publiceert onberispelijk vervaardigde Limited Edition Prints voor kenners en verzamelaars van hedendaagse kunstfotografie.
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Black and white photography possesses a timeless quality which connects us to a rich history of photographic masters who used the medium to create iconic and enduring images. Without the distraction of colour, the essence of a subject is revealed, allowing a greater focus on its underlying emotional content and narrative. This abstraction invites us to project our own experiences and interpretations onto the images, fostering a deeper connection between the artwork and the viewer.

From the masterful compositions of Ansel Adams and the haunting portraits of Diane Arbus to the contemporary photographers of the present day, black and white photography continues to make an indelible mark on the art world. Its ability to transcend time and evoke a sense of nostalgia is unparalleled, making it a medium that remains relevant and captivating. Arkadiy Kurta's beautiful photographs are the natural heirs to this laudable tradition.

Chromogenic print on Fuji Crystal Archive matt paper

Paper Size - 15" x 12" (38 x 30 cm)
Image Size - 12½" x 10" (32 x 25 cm)
Image Date - 2016
Print Date - August 2018
Catalogue - AK021FU
Condition - Mint

Signed in the plate
Numbered gallery stamp
Title below image
Certificate of Print Authenticity

Ships in a large PVC tube

De verkoper stelt zich voor

A Sanctuary of Visionary Art publiceert onberispelijk vervaardigde Limited Edition Prints voor kenners en verzamelaars van hedendaagse kunstfotografie.
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Na 2000
Arkadiy Kurta
Titel van kunstwerk
'Magdalena della Piazza' (2016)
Datum van afdrukken
Kristalarchief afdrukken
15 in
12 in
Aantal items
Galerie postzegel

155 reviews (34 in de afgelopen 12 maanden)
  1. 34
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  3. 0

Lovely photo received perfectly protected. Thank you.

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Sehr schöne Arbeit und schneller Versand. Sehr gute Kommunikation mit dem Verkäufer.

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Fotos sind gut angekommen und sehr schön! Danke!

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Dopo qualche incomprensione è stato tutto risolto con professionalità da parte del venditore.

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Parfait ! La photo a un look retro tres sympa. L'emballage protecteur est suffisant. Envoi plutôt rapide.

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After all, with some impatience due to the wait of customs, I receive one of the most beautiful picture of Arkadiy Kurta. Many thnaks to the seller.

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Received rapidly and perfectly protected. Thank you

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Vendeur rapide et sérieux. Excellente communication. Merci

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Very nice photos received in perfect conditions, Thank you

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Lovely photos well received in perfect conditions. Thank you

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155 reviews (34 in de afgelopen 12 maanden)
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