N. 94127646

Antico Greco Bronzo Anello della torretta - 27 mm  (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)
Offerta finale
€ 27
1 giorno fa

Antico Greco Bronzo Anello della torretta - 27 mm (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)

A good condition Ancient Bronze Greek Turret Ring with some lovely decoration and dating to about 400 B.C. Object acquired in 2025 in London, UK from 'AA' as part of a Private European Collection dating to the pre- 1990s The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki. The seller will take care that any necessary permits, like an export license will be arranged, and will inform the buyer about the status of it if this takes more than a few days. Any lots subjected to additional fees when at the customs office in the destination country, if any, will be paid by the buyer and it is the buyer’s responsibility to contact their customs office to pay any fees and release the item. It is the buyer’s responsibility to be in contact with their customs office to ensure a smooth delivery.

N. 94127646

Antico Greco Bronzo Anello della torretta - 27 mm  (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)

Antico Greco Bronzo Anello della torretta - 27 mm (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)

A good condition Ancient Bronze Greek Turret Ring with some lovely decoration and dating to about 400 B.C.
Object acquired in 2025 in London, UK from 'AA' as part of a Private European Collection dating to the pre- 1990s

The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

The seller will take care that any necessary permits, like an export license will be arranged, and will inform the buyer about the status of it if this takes more than a few days.

Any lots subjected to additional fees when at the customs office in the destination country, if any, will be paid by the buyer and it is the buyer’s responsibility to contact their customs office to pay any fees and release the item.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to be in contact with their customs office to ensure a smooth delivery.

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