Title: 'Shiki no hana: Natsu no bu' 四季の花 夏の部 (Flowers of the Four Seasons)
Artist: Sakai Hōitsu (1761 - 1829)
Date: 1970 (Showa 45)

One of the most famous Japanese botanicals.

Containing 23 double paged coloured illustrations. All the illustrations are photographed.
Rare book.In very good condition.
Orihon folding album.

Please view the photos for further details!
Shipped tracked and insured.

Title: 'Shiki no hana: Natsu no bu' 四季の花 夏の部 (Flowers of the Four Seasons)
Artist: Sakai Hōitsu (1761 - 1829)
Date: 1970 (Showa 45)

One of the most famous Japanese botanicals.

Containing 23 double paged coloured illustrations. All the illustrations are photographed.
Rare book.In very good condition.
Orihon folding album.

Please view the photos for further details!
Shipped tracked and insured.

Numero di Libri
Antologia, Botanica, Illustrati
Titolo del Libro
'Shiki no hana: Natsu no bu' (Flowers of the Four Seasons)
Molto buone
Autore/ Illustratore
Sakai Hōitsu
Anno di pubblicazione dell’oggetto più vecchio
1° edizione in questo formato
Lingua originale
Copertina rigida
Numero di pagine

1605 recensioni (386 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 358
  2. 14
  3. 14

Oeuvre bien reçue avec sa pochette d'origine qui est très appréciable. Cependant, attention à l'emballage, pas assez sécurisée, pour une réception sans dégât.

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Bien que sur le colis il est inscrit ne pas plier, le colis a été plié et donc l'oeuvre aussi. Il est donc nécessaire de protéger au maximum l'oeuvre et ne pas compter sur les livreurs.

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Great purchase. Safe shipping as usual. Always a good seller.

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Thank you very much for using FedEx this greatly facilitated the delivery to a European Union country from the UK after Brexit.Delivery thru FedEx encourages me to bid for future orders from you. 🙏🎄

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Thanks a lot! Great shunga booklet, very fast delivery. Excellent seller.

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Beautiful! Thank you so much for this wonderful work of art. Great quality, packaging and very fast delivery. Greatly appreciated!

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Je suis ravi, c'est superbe Merci pour l’emballage parfait

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Please do not use the Romanian postal services, use a delivery service. It's not worth the hassle.

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Très bel ouvrage correspondant à la description. L’emballage a été soigné. Merci aux vendeurs.

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Heel blij met de collectie! Goed verzorgd en snel verzonden. Top!

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1605 recensioni (386 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 358
  2. 14
  3. 14