N. 92424665
Lotto di smeraldi colombiani naturali, non lavorati Pietre preziose 74,30 ct- 14.86 g
N. 92424665
Lotto di smeraldi colombiani naturali, non lavorati Pietre preziose 74,30 ct- 14.86 g
Amazing translucent green emerald, not elaborated gemstones.
Emerald falls within the family of the beryls, which name comes from the term "beryllos" which in ancient Greek meant blue-green stone and which encompasses all those stones or minerals that have this characteristic greenish colour. Within this classification Emerald is considered the the mother of all gems, due to its pure composition, its beauty and for the properties that it has, it is also a stone which has been appreciated from time immemorial.
The colour of the images largely depends on your display settings.
Name : Emerald
Approx Weight : 74,30ct
Size: -
Location - Muzo, Colombia
Treatment: Untreated
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