1st Edition 500 copies
This new book by Todd Hido (b. 1968) is a departure that brings him back to some of his narrative sequencing experiments he played with in graduate school while studying with Larry Sultan. This series started with two photos―the first image of found studio portrait of a mother made in the 1950’s―and another found archival newspaper photograph taken by a reporter of the aftermath of an auto accident. Hido put the portrait at the front of the book and the car crash at the back and worked to narratively connect the two using his own archive of portraits, landscapes, and photographs of houses.
The resulting book is a pulp tale that hints at some of the undercurrents and backgrounds that many of the people Hido has used in his other projects have hinted at, "I have always felt that many of the model’s I have worked with in doing nudes were somehow revisiting something from their past by posing for the camera. There is a peculiar attraction we have as humans to reengage later in life with the things that troubled us most

Il venditore si racconta

Dartbooks è una libreria con sede a Barcellona, Spagna, siamo specializzati in libri fotografici, libri rari, architettura e arte. Nel nostro catalogo puoi trovare sia i libri di nuova edizione che le prime edizioni più ricercate dai collezionisti di tutto il mondo.
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1st Edition 500 copies
This new book by Todd Hido (b. 1968) is a departure that brings him back to some of his narrative sequencing experiments he played with in graduate school while studying with Larry Sultan. This series started with two photos―the first image of found studio portrait of a mother made in the 1950’s―and another found archival newspaper photograph taken by a reporter of the aftermath of an auto accident. Hido put the portrait at the front of the book and the car crash at the back and worked to narratively connect the two using his own archive of portraits, landscapes, and photographs of houses.
The resulting book is a pulp tale that hints at some of the undercurrents and backgrounds that many of the people Hido has used in his other projects have hinted at, "I have always felt that many of the model’s I have worked with in doing nudes were somehow revisiting something from their past by posing for the camera. There is a peculiar attraction we have as humans to reengage later in life with the things that troubled us most

Il venditore si racconta

Dartbooks è una libreria con sede a Barcellona, Spagna, siamo specializzati in libri fotografici, libri rari, architettura e arte. Nel nostro catalogo puoi trovare sia i libri di nuova edizione che le prime edizioni più ricercate dai collezionisti di tutto il mondo.
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Numero di Libri
Titolo del Libro
Nymph Daughters
Come nuovo
Autore/ Illustratore
Signed; Todd Hido
Anno di pubblicazione dell’oggetto più vecchio
17,8 cm
1° edizione, Edizione limitata
25,4 cm
Lingua originale
Super Labo
Firmato dall'Autore
Numero di pagine