Hand created designer toy by the Dutch professional artist Alvin Silvrants. Custom Minion Carl bursting out of a spray can. This is nr 3 in a series of 3.

Alvin’s art is created with mostly spraypaint and acrylic paints and he often combines sexy girls and humor with the cartoon heroes of his youth. Recently he picked up his old skills as a toy customizer and combined them with his art, for unique art objects. Photographs do not fully capture the life of his work.

Many collectors worldwide bought his pieces and Alvin has international exhibitions in art galleries all over the world including Banditto art Gallery (Tuscany - Italy), Edge Gallery (Rovaniem - Finland), Gallery Bauer (Hanau - Germany), LA Street Galerie (Aix-en-Provence - France), KunstGalerie De Bleyenhoeve (Groningen - The Netherlands) and Addictive Art's House Street art gallery (Florida - USA)

He had corporations with international known artists as Ben Gulak and Hannes D’Haese. His artwork is displayed in Cinema’s and bars in Germany and used on various album covers.

Work with acrylic paint on plastic figures. Finished with a double layer of varnish.
- Including certificate of authenticity

Hand created designer toy by the Dutch professional artist Alvin Silvrants. Custom Minion Carl bursting out of a spray can. This is nr 3 in a series of 3.

Alvin’s art is created with mostly spraypaint and acrylic paints and he often combines sexy girls and humor with the cartoon heroes of his youth. Recently he picked up his old skills as a toy customizer and combined them with his art, for unique art objects. Photographs do not fully capture the life of his work.

Many collectors worldwide bought his pieces and Alvin has international exhibitions in art galleries all over the world including Banditto art Gallery (Tuscany - Italy), Edge Gallery (Rovaniem - Finland), Gallery Bauer (Hanau - Germany), LA Street Galerie (Aix-en-Provence - France), KunstGalerie De Bleyenhoeve (Groningen - The Netherlands) and Addictive Art's House Street art gallery (Florida - USA)

He had corporations with international known artists as Ben Gulak and Hannes D’Haese. His artwork is displayed in Cinema’s and bars in Germany and used on various album covers.

Work with acrylic paint on plastic figures. Finished with a double layer of varnish.
- Including certificate of authenticity

Dopo il 2000
N° di oggetti
Titolo dell'opera
Minions “Spraycan Art statue” Carl 1/3
Paese d’origine
Paesi Bassi
Designer / Artista / Creatore
Alvin Silvrants (1979)
Come nuovo - mai usata
19 cm
13 cm
13 cm
Periodo stimato

984 recensioni (209 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 202
  2. 4
  3. 3

Vielen Dank für das schöne Kunstwerk, es ist heute - dank perfekter Verpackung - ohne Beschädigung bei mir angekommen.

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Jedesmal eine Freude hier ein Bild zu erwerben! Besten Dank!

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Vrolijk en enigszins pikant schilderij. Zeker de moeite van het kopen waard.

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Intens gelukkig met deze heerlijk vrolijke en geweldig leuke mooie canvas van Snoopy & Woodstock 😀👌🏻 Zal uiteindelijk een mooi plekje krijgen als m’n huisje af is…🫶🏻

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Het schilderij is snel verzonden en doordat het goed was verpakt is het vandaag onbeschadigd aangekomen. En het schilderij ziet er net zo goed uit als op de foto op Catawiki.

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objet arrivé avec un pieds cassé pas de réaction du vendeur heureusement facilement réparable

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Risposta del venditore

Thanks for the feedback! We always reply to messages because we want 100% happy customers. Checked this and we did reply if you could provide pictures of the damage. Not received the pictures though.

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984 recensioni (209 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 202
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  3. 3