Corbijn was born in 1955 in Strijen, the Netherlands. Fascinated by the musical world, in 1972, attending a live concert, he took his first photographs. In 1979, for the love of music, he decided to move to London and came into contact with the bands and the most original sound of the moment. After 1985 he mainly photographed people from the entertainment world for numerous magazines (including Vogue, Rolling Stone, Details, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamor and Max). His portraits of musicians and actors are famous (Joy Division, Tom Waits, Depeche Mode, U2, R.E.M., John Lee Hooker, Bryan Ferry, Rolling Stones, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Nick Cave, etc.).
In this period he began to direct his first video clips (over 60 to date) for the most disparate artists (David Sylvian, Coldplay, Depeche Mode, New Order, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joni Mitchell, Front 242, Henry Rollins, Metallica, Naomi Campbell, U2, Nick Cave). In 1994 he was awarded an MTV Video Music Award for the video of the Nirvana song Heart Shaped Box and won the Dutch Photography Award.
In 2007 his first film, Control, a biography of Ian Curtis, singer of Joy Division, was released, which received good feedback at the Cannes Film Festival. In 2009 he collaborated again with U2, giving birth to the film of their album No Line on the Horizon entitled Linear, distributed with the same album or as a digital download. In 2010 he returned to cinema with The American starring George Clooney and Violante Placido. In 2012 the Dutch director Klaartje Quirijns offered an intimate and personal portrait of the artist in a documentary entitled Anton Corbijn Inside Out.[1][2] In 2021 he collaborates with the dancer Sergei Polunin.

C. nasce nel 1955 a Strijen, nei Paesi Bassi. Affascinato dal mondo musicale, nel 1972, assistendo a un concerto dal vivo scatta le sue prime fotografie. Nel 1979, per amore della musica, decide di trasferirsi a Londra ed entra in contatto con le band ed il sound più originale del momento. Dopo il 1985 fotografa prevalentemente personaggi del mondo dello spettacolo per numerose riviste (tra cui Vogue, Rolling Stone, Details, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour e Max). Celebri i suoi ritratti di musicisti e attori (Joy Division, Tom Waits, Depeche Mode, U2, R.E.M., John Lee Hooker, Bryan Ferry, Rolling Stones, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Nick Cave, ecc.).
In tal periodo inizia a girare come regista i suoi primi videoclip (a tutt'oggi oltre 60) per gli artisti più disparati (David Sylvian, Coldplay, Depeche Mode, New Order, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joni Mitchell, Front 242, Henry Rollins, Metallica, Naomi Campbell, U2, Nick Cave). Nel 1994 viene premiato con un MTV Video Music Award per il video del brano dei Nirvana Heart Shaped Box e vince il Dutch Photography Award.
Nel 2007 esce il suo primo film, Control, biografia di Ian Curtis, cantante dei Joy Division, che ottiene un buon riscontro al Festival di Cannes. Nel 2009 collabora ancora con gli U2 dando alla luce il film del loro album No Line on the Horizon intitolato Linear, distribuito con lo stesso album o in download digitale. Nel 2010 ritorna al cinema con The American interpretato da George Clooney e Violante Placido. Nel 2012 il regista olandese Klaartje Quirijns offre un ritratto intimo e personale dell'artista in un documentario dal titolo Anton Corbijn Inside Out.[1][2] Nel 2021 collabora con il ballerino Sergei Polunin.


Corbijn was born in 1955 in Strijen, the Netherlands. Fascinated by the musical world, in 1972, attending a live concert, he took his first photographs. In 1979, for the love of music, he decided to move to London and came into contact with the bands and the most original sound of the moment. After 1985 he mainly photographed people from the entertainment world for numerous magazines (including Vogue, Rolling Stone, Details, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamor and Max). His portraits of musicians and actors are famous (Joy Division, Tom Waits, Depeche Mode, U2, R.E.M., John Lee Hooker, Bryan Ferry, Rolling Stones, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Nick Cave, etc.).
In this period he began to direct his first video clips (over 60 to date) for the most disparate artists (David Sylvian, Coldplay, Depeche Mode, New Order, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joni Mitchell, Front 242, Henry Rollins, Metallica, Naomi Campbell, U2, Nick Cave). In 1994 he was awarded an MTV Video Music Award for the video of the Nirvana song Heart Shaped Box and won the Dutch Photography Award.
In 2007 his first film, Control, a biography of Ian Curtis, singer of Joy Division, was released, which received good feedback at the Cannes Film Festival. In 2009 he collaborated again with U2, giving birth to the film of their album No Line on the Horizon entitled Linear, distributed with the same album or as a digital download. In 2010 he returned to cinema with The American starring George Clooney and Violante Placido. In 2012 the Dutch director Klaartje Quirijns offered an intimate and personal portrait of the artist in a documentary entitled Anton Corbijn Inside Out.[1][2] In 2021 he collaborates with the dancer Sergei Polunin.

C. nasce nel 1955 a Strijen, nei Paesi Bassi. Affascinato dal mondo musicale, nel 1972, assistendo a un concerto dal vivo scatta le sue prime fotografie. Nel 1979, per amore della musica, decide di trasferirsi a Londra ed entra in contatto con le band ed il sound più originale del momento. Dopo il 1985 fotografa prevalentemente personaggi del mondo dello spettacolo per numerose riviste (tra cui Vogue, Rolling Stone, Details, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour e Max). Celebri i suoi ritratti di musicisti e attori (Joy Division, Tom Waits, Depeche Mode, U2, R.E.M., John Lee Hooker, Bryan Ferry, Rolling Stones, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Nick Cave, ecc.).
In tal periodo inizia a girare come regista i suoi primi videoclip (a tutt'oggi oltre 60) per gli artisti più disparati (David Sylvian, Coldplay, Depeche Mode, New Order, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joni Mitchell, Front 242, Henry Rollins, Metallica, Naomi Campbell, U2, Nick Cave). Nel 1994 viene premiato con un MTV Video Music Award per il video del brano dei Nirvana Heart Shaped Box e vince il Dutch Photography Award.
Nel 2007 esce il suo primo film, Control, biografia di Ian Curtis, cantante dei Joy Division, che ottiene un buon riscontro al Festival di Cannes. Nel 2009 collabora ancora con gli U2 dando alla luce il film del loro album No Line on the Horizon intitolato Linear, distribuito con lo stesso album o in download digitale. Nel 2010 ritorna al cinema con The American interpretato da George Clooney e Violante Placido. Nel 2012 il regista olandese Klaartje Quirijns offre un ritratto intimo e personale dell'artista in un documentario dal titolo Anton Corbijn Inside Out.[1][2] Nel 2021 collabora con il ballerino Sergei Polunin.

Anton Corbijn
Titolo dell'opera
Bruce Cockburn, Toronto
Data di stampa
60 cm
50 cm
Fotografia Artistica

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