Glazed and painted ceramic. Unique piece of art

Alex Johanson is a contemporary Polish artist. Fascinated by Polish landscape, folklore and history, he creates his original and unconventional works with interesting shapes and colors. Among all of them you can find women with narrow waists, busty women, men in top hats and Lajkonik-woman.

He creates paintings, wood sculptures and ceramic forms, representations of women and men with characteristic noses, bulging eyes and swan necks. These are couples entwined in a loving embrace who communicate with each other through the clear and literal use of their languages. There is also a strange menagerie - sculptures of cats, pigs, sheep heads, several images of roosters and animals of various characters, accompanying the Three Wise Men.

Exhibitions: Poland, Chech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Ukraine

Alex Johanson was born in 1966 in Poland.

Glazed and painted ceramic. Unique piece of art

Alex Johanson is a contemporary Polish artist. Fascinated by Polish landscape, folklore and history, he creates his original and unconventional works with interesting shapes and colors. Among all of them you can find women with narrow waists, busty women, men in top hats and Lajkonik-woman.

He creates paintings, wood sculptures and ceramic forms, representations of women and men with characteristic noses, bulging eyes and swan necks. These are couples entwined in a loving embrace who communicate with each other through the clear and literal use of their languages. There is also a strange menagerie - sculptures of cats, pigs, sheep heads, several images of roosters and animals of various characters, accompanying the Three Wise Men.

Exhibitions: Poland, Chech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Ukraine

Alex Johanson was born in 1966 in Poland.

Dopo il 2000
Paese d’origine
Alex Johanson (XX-XXI)
Titolo dell'opera
Firmato a mano
Eccellenti condizioni
55 cm
29 cm
11 cm

429 recensioni (424 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 413
  2. 8
  3. 3

A really good supplier that I can highly recommend ... The art is of a very good quality, artistic as well as craftsmanship, the shipments are carefully done, everything is extremely professional

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We bought a wooden sculpture by Karol Dusza from CocoArt via Catawiki. Delivery took some time, but it was well-packaged and arrived safely. The sculpture matches the description and photos perfectly.

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Very beautiful statue, very happy with the purchase! Would buy again from the same seller, the customer support was very friendly. Thank you!

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Colis bien protégé contenant 2 statuettes ravissantes et conformes aux photos. Pourquoi facturez-vous 35 € x 2? Ce n’est pas correct pour la cliente fidèle que je suis. C’est mon 9 ième achat !!

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Le colis est arrivé rapidement et sans dommage. La sculpture est magnifique alliant la force du corps en métal avec la finesse des ailes. Merci beaucoup

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La sculpture est très instable et le petit lumignon joint est sans intérêt. L'objet est intéressant Je complète : je l'avais installé à l'envers ! Tout va bien Merci

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Statue Kneeling angel came fast,very good packed. It looks beautiful. Certificate added. Communication with seller fast ,kind and helpfull. 5* to this seller. Greetings from Croatia🌞

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Satisfaction la Céramiste IDA réalise de beaux sujets

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Le colis est arrivé sans dommage et la statue est vraiment très belle. Merci

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Cette oeuvre est magnifique ! Carton soigneusement emballé. J'ai été confortée par la qualité du travail et la jolie teinte de cette statue à sa réception. Ce sculpteur a un talent fou ! Ravie MERCI !

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Geheel volgens verwachting. Snel en keurig verpakt verzonden.

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429 recensioni (424 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 413
  2. 8
  3. 3

A really good supplier that I can highly recommend ... The art is of a very good quality, artistic as well as craftsmanship, the shipments are carefully done, everything is extremely professional

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